Chapter 3

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"In this world, it is too common for people to search for someone to lose themselves in

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"In this world, it is too common for people to search for someone to lose themselves in. But I am already lost. I will look for someone to find myself in."

― C. JoyBell C.

Chapter 3

A few days have passed and with an eventful end to the party, JYP was rather busy with a lot of things that had occurred. More notably Tzuyu opened up about what happened that night and where she went.

At first BamBam denied all allegations and Y/N was brought in for questioning to which he confessed everything that he saw from his perspective. His testimony held true to what Tzuyu also stated. His bruise and cut on his yet to fully heal face were also evidence.

Even more so the footage JYP and the security staff had found from that night was used as further evidence to expose BamBam's actions. JYP had announced that BamBam for personal reason will be on hiatus and not promote with GOT7 till further notice. Which raised a lot of questions and drama within the Korean media which JYP is currently dealing with right now.


Earlier that week, the girls were gathered in the living room with Tzuyu right in the middle, telling her unnies about what transpired that night at the company dinner.

"He What!?" Nayeon asked with much aggression and confusion

"He punched Y/N after he pushed him off me" Tzuyu responded quickly.

"Who does he think he is?" Mina in a rather annoyed tone asked. Mina never really liked BamBam anyways. She felt like there was always something off with him and she couldn't really put her finger on it until now.

"Why didn't Y/N fight back?" Momo asked as she knew that you had a better build than him and surely you can beat him in a fight.

"Unnie, I didn't want Y/N to get hurt more and I was scared and needed him by my side" Tzuyu replied to the rather angry peach.

"Are you going to press charges? That's almost rape and definitely assault?" Sana spoke in her high-pitched voice as she was rather mad and didn't know how to express her anger.

"Unnie if we press charges JYP will have a hard time dealing with the media so, but I definitely want him to get suspended from group activity for a while" Tzuyu being the only calm one out of them, just kept replying and answering their questions

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