Chapter 2

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"If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were."
― Kahlil Gibran

Chapter 2

The festivities came to a halt as it was time to finally say goodbye, I couldn't help but stare at my phone which has been buzzing non-stop for the last 10 or so minutes. I didn't have to open my phone and read my notifications to know who was calling and texting me. As I let out an irritable sigh, knowing there was only one way to solve this.

My current mood wasn't left unnoticed as I knew I couldn't hide it from Jihyo Unnie at all. "Tzuyu-yah is everything fine?" as I felt rather at ease knowing that my Unnie care so much about me as I nodded in reply. "Ne, Unnie I just need to go toilet for a bit" as I excused myself. I hate lying to them especially since Jihyo Unnie looked really worried.

I kept my composure knowing I'll just end up explaining to them when we get back to the dorm anyways. I knew I had no choice but to talk to him and get whatever he wants over and done with already. I clenched my fist rather nervously as I already knew what he wanted to talk about. I had a bad feeling about this but I chose to ignore it anyways.


The girls were patiently waiting as their Manager had asked them to stay back as she wanted to introduce someone to them. They all just sat on their table, some dozing of as it was rather late and well others more so energetic than the rest.

"UNNIE! YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT THIS FILTER!" as Sana and Jeongyeon were laughing like crazy at the filters they were trying on a sleeping Dahyun. Unfazed the sleeping tofu just seemed to be in another world of her own as her mouth hung wide and eyes closed shut.

It wasn't an unusual for them to be all over the place, but their leader seemed to have her mind elsewhere as she was anxiously tapping her thighs anticipating someone. "Girls, has any of you guys heard from Tzuyu text, call or anything at all, it's been almost 10 mins and the toilet isn't that far from here!!" Jihyo's anxiety and worried demeanour was spiralling out of control.

Her mind couldn't stop itself from over thinking and conjuring up scenarios of what ifs and almost regrettably she wishes that she just came with Tzuyu in the first place. It's not that she doesn't trust the staff at JYPE, but there were still some figures that she didn't trust or found rather creepy. Let alone the saesang fans who seem to just know where the girls are most of the time, didn't really help ease Jihyo of her thoughts.

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