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previously in chapter two ...

"what is your deal?"

"i don't know. i'll leave that up to you to figure out. and next time you decide to walk out on someone's life, make sure you tell them goodbye," rosie scoffed, walking out of the dance room.

"rosie-" ava called out and sighed.

"okay girls. everybody take ten," ms. park announced as ava was walking out of the room.

"don't," a deep voice said, putting his arm around ava to stop her from walking out.

"jake-" ava sighed, "you saw what happened. everything she said was right and it's only-"

"i know everything she said was right, but she's not so easy to talk to anymore," jake chuckled, "rosie's grown up."

ava stepped back to where jake's arm wasn't around her anymore and looked up at jake.

"and clearly you have too," ava slightly smiled.

"go back to the other girls. i'll handle rosie," jake said calmly, walking away from ava.

she stood by the doorway alone, confused at what just happened and what she was feeling.

"alright girls. everyone take a seat please," ava instructed, sitting on the ground as the girls sat in front of her.

"i'm sorry for going too hard and making the practice end up like this. i really am," she apologized.

"well ms. ava," ryumi called out, "we are little and maybe you expected us to pick the moves up like you and your older dance friends do."

"exactly," ava mumbled, "which is exactly why this teaching thing isn't for me. i'm sorry ms. park, but i don't think i'll be able to help you on this one."

ava stood up and walked towards the door until ms. park stopped her.

"honey, every dance teacher struggles at some point. just like how you never quit when practicing for your shows, you shouldn't quit on the girls," ms. park explained.

ava shook her head, "ms. park, to be fully honest, me choosing to teach the girls was just so we could go to finals and collaborate with the dancer lee eunjung. i had n-"


"rosie, you ready to practice again hun?" ms. park smiled.

"absolutely not," rosie scoffed, "you wanted to use us right? typical."

"tell me what your deal is rosie. what happened? you weren't like this before," ava said.

"before what? before you or my mom left? which one?" rosie asked.

"do not bring your mom into this. you and me both. i had to grow up without a mom too."

"did she die?"

"no, but she left. and she chose to leave."

"like mother, like daughter," rosie scoffed, walking to grab her things outside of the dance room.

"i'm sorry what?" ava asked, following rosie out of the room.

"i had to watch you leave to nyc without even getting a goodbye, ava."

"rosie- is that what this is really about? you're making it a bigger deal than it should've been. people need to move on with their lives and that's exactly what i did," ava explained.

"and were you the one i was dating?" she added.

"right because if you were, i would've at least gotten a text message," rosie said, walking over to jake who was witnessing everything.

"well what do you expect me to do now? i can't time travel and take back the things i didn't do."

"can we go now?" rosie asked jake.

"rosie, i- you should sort things out with-"

"i said, can we go now?"

"no," ava said sternly, walking up to the brother and sister.

"you have completely changed rosie. and you giving jake that attitude isn't right. he isn't your friend or pet. he's your older brother," ava said.

"what," rosie scoffed, "you couldn't control yourself before moving away, so you're going to control me?"

"i never said that, but you definitely have to apologize to jake. that wasn't right."

"you have absolutely zero importance in our lives now. you had the chance and you ended it. get over it," rosie stated.

"then get over the break up that didn't even have anything to do with you! get over me not saying goodbye! what's so hard about it!?" ava exclaimed with tears forming.

ava grabbed her bag and walked out of the studio to head back home.

jake's pov:

rosie and i got into the car and were headed back home in silence.

"ava was right. i shouldn't have used that tone of voice with you. i'm sorry jake," rosie spoke up.

i looked at rosie through the rear view mirror and smiled, "don't be apologizing to me. i think you should be apologizing to ava instead."

"she was right and you know she was roro. there's nothing she can do about it now," i explained.

ava is already getting herself into some issues and the book has just started

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