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"what did ms. park say to you?" ava's dad asked.

"well- she gave me this flyer booklet," ava said, "she wants me to teach a few classes so that her girls could be prepared enough to enter a competition."

"will you?"

"i don't know," ava replied, flipping through the booklet.

"TURN THE CAR AROUND NOW!" she exclaimed.

"why? what's wr-"

"no questions asked dad! please turn the car around and drive back to the studio. ASAP!"

"i'll do it," ava said determined, walking into the dance studio.

"what?" ms. park asked confused.

"i'll do it. i'll teach the classes, but on one condition. we go to finals."

"deal!" ms. park said enthusiastically.

"5 6 7 8, go!" ava exclaimed, clapping after each number.

"no! stop! that's not it. that's not it at all!" she yelled.

the yelling continued on and on every time the girls' performance didn't live up to ava's expectations.

"over and up! on your legs! ON YOUR LEGS!"

the girls stopped at ava's yelling and let out angered deep breaths.

"do you hear me yelling at you?!" ava spoke sternly, "what is so hard to understand?"

"MAYBE it's because you're yelling at us without even telling us what we're doing wrong. if we weren't on our legs, we'd be on our bottoms," rosie let out.

"okay, no no. everyone stop. take a deep breath," ms. park said softly, "ava, why don't you just tell the girls-"

ms. park was cut off by ava lifting her hand up in her face.

"okay," ms. park sighed, stepping back.

"yea ms. ava," rosie said in a mocking voice, "try using your voice on explaining the steps instead of wasting it on yelling cluelessly."

"what?" ava scoffed, walking closer to rosie, "do you think you could do better?"

"well i haven't learned anything from you, so i certainly can't do worse," rosie remarked, stepping closer to ava.

"get out of my class," ava said sternly.

rosie lifted her eyebrows and folded her arms, "aren't you in our dance class? you were the one who barged into our studio while we were practicing."

"is that so? was i not the one who ms. park taught in the very beginning. if it weren't for me, this studio would not even be here for you to dance," ava replied.

following ava's words, there were footsteps that appeared in the dance room, but no one's attention turned to it as they were so focused on the two arguing.

"was it my fault that you decided to leave seoul? was it my fault that you decided to make a choice without anyone else's opinion? was it my fault you decided to leave everyone behind and do what you wanted to do?" rosie asked, tears trickling down.

"what is your deal?"

"i don't know. i'll leave that up to you to figure out. and next time you decide to walk out on someone's life, make sure you tell them goodbye," rosie scoffed, walking out of the dance room

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