Chapter TwentyOne

Start from the beginning

"Lewis..." Marik began.

"What?!" He yelled. I laughed quietly, he was seriously pissed off, it was joke.

"Lewis, bubs, don’t shout. You know I don’t like it." Marik pouted. That was when Lewis dashed his Jawbreaker at his head. I started creasing at the reaction. Them Jawbreakers are hard y’know! No doubt it would leave a mark. Marik rubbed his forehead and smiled, completely unaffected.

"Didn’t hurt," he beamed.

"Shut the fuck up and leave me, battyman."

"But you enjoyed our kiss. Why deny the fact that you love these lips babes?" He bit the tip of his index finger and winked. Michael looked at him weirdly after that.

"Nah you’re taking it too far, I’m abit worried about you still." Marik laughed and shook his head.

"I’m joking man; Lewis takes everythin’ seriously. You done know if I was a battyman I wouldn’t even go for his type." Lewis paused and then narrowed his eyes.

"My type? What’s wrong wid me?" He questioned with flared nostrils. We all watched him silently.

“Fam...” I started.

"Nah, nah, he said my type. What, am I not good enough for you Marik?" He asked loudly. We all started laughing.

"Why’re you getting offended bruv? It’s like you want man to like you or summin’!" Lewis kissed his teeth.

"I just don’t see why you wouldn’t be attracted to me init,” he said grumpily, kicking a near-by stone. We all fell silent and stared at him.

That’s gay.

“Anyway,” Michael began, “My bredrin’s on his way here to meet us. He’s like two minutes away.”

"How come?" I questioned.

"We’re gonna link some skets later." I frowned. Why is everyone getting pussy now a days? It’s been awhile since man had a good beat...but I would never do anything to betray Sha’riah like that. I was prepared to wait for her, I could never be unfaithful. She’s my one and only...

I smiled at my thoughts. I was turning into some sweet-boy forreal.

I thought of Kiera and the last time I saw her. To be honest it was all for the sex, but she was a cool girl aswell. Maybe I should bell her later. Just then some breh approached us with his hands in his pockets. Looked like a wasteman to me. He got closer and spudded Michael, who introduced him as Ishmael. Never heard of him. He nodded to us and we continued to wait for the bus.

“So how you two know eachother?” Lewis asked, drinking his Rubicon Mango.

“Family friends, our mums are close,” Ishmael answered. Lewis nodded in return and went back to his phone. I checked the bus countdown and kissed my teeth. This bus was on some long shit. I could’ve been home by now if I walked. I saw Ishmael bring his phone out and call some chick.

"You alright?"


"Ishmael. You sound upset b, what’s wrong?"


"You don’t sound fine. Where are you?"

"....." He nodded.

"Aight, I’m comin’."


"Nah, I’m comin’, wait there."

He locked off and turned to Michael, who had just heard the convo.

"Aye, I’m going somewhere real quick, I’ll come buck you after yeah?" Michael nodded.

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