Chapter TwentyOne

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Home time. Me and Lewis were waiting by the school gates for Marik and Michael to come out since they had detention. If anyone were to get in the most trouble, it was always them two. It was like a ritual to wait for them to exit. I listened to some tunes on my iPod whilst Lewis texted some chick. He was laughing to himself every couple minutes. I gave him an odd look.

"What’s funny?" He giggledand showed me the screen of his phone.

"This chick is on it!" He grinned proudly. I chuckled and held his phone to pree the message. Something along the lines of she will be around soon so he should warm up the bed for her. I checked the name and smirked.

“Tanya yeah?” He nodded and we spudded. Lewis had been on Tanya for a good year, always trying his best to get close to her. Unfortunately she had a man, but that didn’t stop him. You could imagine how ecstatic he was when he discovered she broke up with her man. He went in for the kill immediately, and now this. Man was hung up on sex, he wanted to meet up with her as soon as possible. Fuckin’ perv. Can’t really blame him though. I was like him not too long ago: single, horny, and ready to fuck just about any girl.

“She might come round mine tomorrow. I’m gonna ram that puss—”

“Yeah, I get it fam. No details.” He laughed.

“Just cos you’re fucking Sha’riah.” I turned to him.

“Actually we ain’t beat yet.” His eyes widened.

“You finally got her and you ain’t even fucked?”

“Stop using that word man,” I sneered, “we’re taking our time. There’s no rush. If she was anyone else, you know I would’ve done my ting already.” He acknowledged this, then nodded.

“You’re right fam.” Just then, these two dick’eads emerged from the doors and walked towards us. I spudded Michael first, then Marik.

"What you sayin’ Lewis?" Marik asked with a sly smile. His face dropped real quick.

"Fuck off man!" We all started creasin’. I couldn’t believe after all this time Lewis weren’t talking to Marik cos of that dare a long time ago. They kissed, but everyone was over it, apart from him. Marik just liked to take the piss.

"Stop being a bitch, that was time ago," Michael said with a chuckle.

"You don’t know the shit I’ve been through. Burn in hell." Lewis screwed and walked off. Marik was still creasin’. We decided to head out and began walking down the road, chatting shit as usual.

"Aye man, why you walking so fast?" Marik called. Lewis stuck his middle finger up and we all laughed. We stopped off at the shop so Michael and Lewis could buy a couple tings. When they stepped inside, Marik turned to me with his hands in his pockets. 

"So where’s the wife then?" He asked.

"Probably still at mine." He nodded.

"Skeen. I wanna see her, it’s been time."

"Come round mine after school tomorrow, she’ll be there." He nodded once more. Lewis came out with Michael then we carried on walking.

"You got a spliff?" I asked Michael, who was busy eating his Sensations crisps. He dug into his pocket and retrieved a dutty bent one. I screwed. "Fuck that, you tryna take the piss? Ain’t you got any fresh ones?" He shook his head.

"Take it or leave it fam," he said, waving it in my face. I kissed my teeth and pushed his hand away. We got to the bus stop and waited for the bus. Marik was still set on annoying Lewis. Not even gonna lie, it was joke whenever Lewis was vex. He’d turn red and start shouting out bare insults like he had tourettes.

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