Chapter Eight

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After watching Scary Movie 2 on DVD I got bored, so I began reading Coldest Winter Ever. Yep! I got the book Kamillah had recommended to me. It was interesting still, and I was getting into it.

Nothing could stop me when it comes to reading!

Except now. After like three chapters I got fucking bored.

I folded the page and left it on my bed, then lay there staring up at the ceiling like I had been doing for most of the evening. I even thought about Shawn again and when his funeral would be. I miss him so much; I could still remember his cute chubby face and his adorable voice and lovely curly hair. Not to mention the beauty spot that he had on the left side of his face, just like me.

I looked at my DVD shelf and noticed a blank DVD case. Wondering what it was I picked it up and placed it in the DVD player. It loaded and I pressed play. As soon as I realised what it was my eyes began to water instantly.

It was a home video of Shawn when we had taken him to the park one time. This was last year and I remembered it so well. I carried on watching as Shawn was on the swings and Tanisha was pushing him. He was so cute, just enjoying his life. He screamed ‘higher!’ and we both laughed. I forwarded it to where he in the sand put, building a sandcastle.

“Riah…Sha’riah look! Look!” Tanisha held the camera as I came into view and crouched beside him.

“That’s wicked Shawn, want me to help you?” I asked.

“Yaaay!” I laughed and we built the sandcastle together. When we were done he started clapping in excitement and I laughed.

“I wanna live in a castle when I’m older,” He grinned like Soulja boy and I hugged him then the DVD ended. I switched off the TV and stared into space. Silence surrounded me as I subconsciously cried silent tears. I carried on thinking until I fell asleep curled up into a little ball. My thoughts were clouded completely and I didn’t even realise…


It was a beautiful summer’s day; there were no clouds in sight, the sun shone down on those who were at the park, and the grass had never been greener. I watched my surroundings and inhaled the fresh summer air. Marcus stroked my leg and smiled.

“What you thinking about?” He asked.

“Nothing, just happy you’re here with me,” I answered. He licked his lips and gave a warm smile.

“If we weren’t in a park right now I’d do so many things to you,” he said. I looked around at all the children in the play area, on the swings and having fun. It was just Marcus and I on the bench. I turned back to him and laughed.

“Behave.” He pulled me closer.

“It’s hard to when you’re dressed like that.” I peered down at my flowery summer dress. His hand rose even higher.

“Mm, stop. There are children here.” He bit his lip.

“I’m not gonna do anything,” he said. I giggled and he kissed my lips softly. I responded and he pulled me even closer, pushing his tongue into my mouth and massaging my tongue gently. We were getting into it and I couldn’t even help myself. I felt a hand tug at my dress; we stopped and looked down at the tiny little boy with long dark brown cornrows and big brown eyes. For some reason he had the same beauty spot that I did on my cheek and the little dimple in his chin.

“Mummy, can I have my lolly now?” He asked. I smiled and dug into my handbag then handed his lolly to him. “Thanks mummy.”

“Here son, lemme open that for you,” Marcus took the lolly and removed the wrapper, before handing it back to him. He smiled and ran off to the monkey bars. Marcus kissed me on the cheek and I admired our beautiful son.

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