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(A/N: Hello! I am so sorry for not updating sooner, but this is the first break I've had from work since, like, February soooo... Here we are! Hope you enjoy it!)

        The Next morning went more smoothly: without having to meet with the principal first, I got to class early. Momiji was thrilled to see me, and reassured me that he and Haru would be looking out for the person who initiated my impromptu ice bucket challenge. He also insisted I join them for lunch today to meet their friends. I was hesitant at first, as I didn't want to invade their friend group and make things awkward after my run-in with Yuki, but Haru's knowing look and encouraging nod prompted me to accept the invitation.

                        *                                                                 *                                                          *

        The two boys led me outside to the base of a large tree, the three of us sitting down to wait for the others. Apparently their friend Tohru was bringing food for them, so I held off on eating my lunch. A few minutes later, a group of five people were making their way over. Two could be recognized by their hair as Yuki and Kyo. The other three were all girls, and from Momiji's descriptions, they were pretty easy to recognize: the tall blonde was Arisa Uotani. The black-haired girl was Saki Hanajima, and the smiling brunette had to be Tohru Honda. Hana was the first to approach, looking at me in an almost uncomfortably intense way. I shifted slightly and offered her a small smile. A moment later, she returned the smile and looked at Haru and Momiji.

        "I approve. She has such comforting waves." My grip on my lunch relaxed slightly: Momiji had told me about her wave reading. I wasn't sure I fully believed it, but despite that, it was nice to hear someone say my presence was comforting. A slightly annoyed sigh came from behind her.

        "Don't we already have enough girls here?" Kyo grumbled under his breath. I chuckled quietly as Arisa narrowed her eyes at him.

        "Wow Kyon-kyon, yuo really know how to make a first impression. Don't listen to him: it's nice to have another girl to fully balance out the testosterone squad here." she smiled at me. I chuckled in response.

        "To be fair, I have almost run into him at least twice. Sorry about that, Kyo-senpai." Kyo's face turned a light shade of red and he looked away.

        "It's fine. And lose the "senpai". Sounds weird." I raised an eyebrow, but nodded. Guess he wasn't a stickler for manners. Tohru stepped forward and held out a hand for me to shake, which I did with a smile.

        "It's nice to meet you too. Haru and Momiji have told me a lot about you. Don't worry, it's all good things." Tohru blushed brightly and began rambling about how she's not anyone especially special, making me smile in quiet amusement. It was rather adorable. She was stopped by the quiet voice of a smiling silver-head.

        "It's alright, miss Honda. Why don't we all sit down to eat?" His suggestion spurred everyone into action, Tohru handing out the food while the others found their seats. I assured Tohru that I would be fine with my packed lunch, but would love to taaste her cooking another time. As everyone ate, I tried to ignore the awkward atmosphere emanating from Yuki, but it was difficult. He hadn't even properly introduced himself, or even acknowledged my presence outside of a couple tense glances. I was about to take a bite of my cucumber salad when my nose started itching. I quickly grabbed a napkin to sneeze into, my face scrunching up as I did so. Everyone looked over at me, Momiji and Tohru jumping in to make sure I was okay. I smiled and nodded, folding the napkin.

        "I'm fine, really. Just got some dust in my nose." Haru sighed slightly.

        "You should've stayed home today. It's a wonder you aren't sick after what happened yesterday." Tohru and Arisa blinked, looking at him curiously. I didn't notice, but Yuki had slightly turned to look at us. Momiji sat forward, as if he was telling someone a secret.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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