A Helping Paw

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So I've been watching the new Fruits Basket remake to wind down at the end of the day, and I just wanted to write a story, so... Here we are! Hope you enjoy!)

        Looking back, there really were so many opportunities to change how things played out: so many chances to make a different choice, to find a different happiness or avoid a certain pain. But once you've made a choice, there's rarely any use in wondering what might've gone differently had you chosen another path. In the end, all you can do is make the best of your situation, and enjoy where your choices have brought you.

        I stepped to the side of the walkway to let the laughing group of teenagers pass. I had never really been one for large groups or loud noises: a quiet corner with a book suited me just fine. I was just on my way to the store, needing to get groceries for the week. My sister was away on a business trip, leaving me to fend for myself. Ever since our parents died two years ago, I'd been passed from Grandparents to Aunt to older Cousin, until all of them decided I was "too much". My sister, Leslie, had been given a promotion at work and, along with a sizable raise, was relocated to Japan. Three months ago, she bought a house. Two months ago, I moved in with her now officially my legal guardian. And tomorrow I was starting my new school year. The thought made me smile as I stepped into the store and grabbed a basket. I wandered the store, picking up my groceries and wondering what the school would be like. I was so lost in my thoughts that I barely avoided running into someone rounding the corner.

        "Oh! I'm sorry!" I looked at the boy apologetically. He scoffed quietly, his orange hair almost seeming to bristle as he edged past me.

        "'S fine. Watch where you're going." He headed down the next aisle. I watched him for a moment before shrugging and heading down the aisle to pick up a couple snacks. I was debating whether to get regular pretzels or pretzel sticks when I noticed a boy nearby with strangely colored hair. His silvery hair framed his surprisingly delicate face as he looked at the chips in front of him. I quickly turned back to my pretzel debate, not wanting to stare, and finally put a bag of regular pretzels in my basket. Unfortunately, this now meant I had to approach him: my favorite chips were right in front of him... I slowly made my way over, stopping a bit away from him.

        "Excuse me..." He turned when I spoke, his purple eyes going from pure concentration to carefully calm and guardedly distanced.

        "Oh, I'm sorry. I'n in your way, aren't I?" He smiled politely, making me half smile back.

        "It's okay. I just noticed you were standing here for a while. Having trouble finding something?" He nodded, appearing a little embarrassed by my question.

        "I can't seem to find the prawn chips..." I nodded, looking around for a moment before smiling.

        "Ah-hah! There we go." I grabbed a bag of prawn chips and handed them to him. He half smiled in response and placed them into his basket.

        "Thank you." I shook my head and grabbed my own chips, sour cream and chive, placing them into my own basket.

        "It's no problem." He nodded and turned to leave. I went about my shopping, glancing out the front window as I stood in the checkout line. I blinked in slight shock when I saw the orange haired boy I almost ran into walking the same way as the boy looking for prawn chips, but I shrugged it off. Their personalities, on first impression, seemed to be polar opposite, but the could be friends.

        As I walked down the street towards me house, the sky began to darken. I frowned, shifting the bag in my hands as I internally cursed myself for not bringing an umbrella. Unfortunately, this caused a can to fall out of the bag, rolling into the bushes beside the sidewalk.

        "Of course..." I stepped towards the bushes to retrieve my soda, only to hear a rustling and see the can rolling back out, a small figure following it.

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