Friends and Enemies

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        The meeting I had with the principal lasted longer than expected, the halls already a bit crowded by the time I managed to find my locker. I put away everything but the books for my first few classes, and turned to leave. My path, however, was blocked by a group of girls with hearts in their eyes.

        "Yuki looks even more princely than usual today!" I blinked and followed the girls' line of sight to a familiar silver-haired boy. He looked uncomfortable behind his polite smile as he wove carefully through the crowd of girls. He glanced my way, but immediately turned his head to hurry off, the crowd filing behind him. My face fell in slight disappointment, but I couldn't really blame him for ignoring me. I blinked out of my thoughts just in time to avoid running into someone... Again.

        "Don't you ever watch where you're going?" The redhead from yesterday grumbled. I sighed and adjusted my bangs with my fingertips.

        "Sorry, just... A little lost... Umm, would you happen to know where this room is?" I pointed to the room number on my schedule, and he nodded, shoulders relaxing slightly.

        "Yeah. One floor up, third room to the left." I smiled, bowing my head to him slightly.

        "Thank you!" I rushed up the stairs, not wanting to be late on my first day. As I entered the room, I looked for an empty desk. The first one I saw was next to a tall male, whose personalized outfit was only outshone by his hair: half black, half white. I walked over, going to sit in the seat to his left.

        "Yes, it's natural." The boy didn't even turn as he spoke, appearing almost bored. I blushed slightly, looking intently at the books on my desk.

        "Sorry... Y-your hair is cool, though." Internally cursing myself for stuttering, his chuckle brought my attention back to him as he sat, now smirking slightly at me.

        "Huh... Well thanks, cutie." My eyes went wide, but before I could respond, someone nearby hopped on my desk.

        "Guten-tag! Haru, you made a new friend?!" a bouncy blond stood before me, excited eyes flitting from me to Haru and back.

        "Guess so, Momiji." I blinked, but didn't question it. Something told me this "Momiji" wouldn't take no for an answer... And it wouldn't be bad to make some new friends my first day at school. I smiled at Momiji.

        "My name is Gabrielle. It's nice to meet you both." Momiji beamed and started talking about how we should have lunch together, and some of their other friends I should meet. He scurried to the other seat in front of Haru as the teacher entered the room. As expected, my introduction was met with polite interest, and class went along smoothly... For a while. There was a knock on the door, and the teacher stepped out a moment to see what was needed. When they stepped back in, they turned to look right at me.

        "The principal needs to see you in his office." I slowly nodded, standing and hoping I'd be able to find my way there. A hand took mine, Momiji's poofy hair bouncing as he pulled me to the door.

        "I'll show you how to get there!" Momiji led me from the room and down the stairs, chatting happily on the way. I smiled slightly as I trailed behind him, stepping down the last step. Before I could move another inch, though, I was hit with a severe chill... More than likely due to the large amount of ice water that had just been dumped on me. Quiet giggling came from up the stairs, and footsteps rushed away.

        "Haru!" Momiji's shout caused me to jump, linking the water from my eyes.

        "What's wrong?!" Haru sprinted into view, eyes widening as he saw me soaked, standing there in a puddle of water and ice. His eyes narrowed and seemed to darken slightly. Momiji pointed the direction the footsteps went, and Haru took off running. I took a deep, shivering breath, rubbing my arms slightly.

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