"And what's the other reason?" He asked impatiently

He was interrogating me like an older brother and it was funny but I held it (he had a right to obviously)

"Can you let me breathe for a minute?" I literally woke up less than 30 minutes ago.

"The major reason is very important and no one has to know about it for the sake of my reputation; no offence" I said

"None taken, now talk" he demanded

"I am a DJ"

There was an awkward silent between us and I was getting uncomfortable then I suddenly heard an outburst of laughter

"What?" I asked confused

"I'm so sorry, I thought I heard you say you were a Disc Jockey or something" he said trying to get his breath.

"I'm serious" I said as I threw a pillow at him.

"Okay, okay, tell me how led to it" he said catching his breath

"Pay attention" I said

"Gosh, this human being should stop beating around the bush and go straight to the point already" he said frustrated

"I'm sorry okay?" I laughed then started my story

"I was overwhelmed with emotions and practically not in my right state of mind when I registered for it but I had thoughts on  being a Disc Jockey for some time. Actually, I thought of it after you made me realize I was practically wasting my life and freedom. I went for a walk and saw a banner looking for DJs so I snapped it and continued my walk. I didn't check it immediately but different incidents made me glance through it till I finally registered. On the day of auditions I was really anxious and the weird imaginations in my head took action. I was ranting to myself in a weird way and people thought I was crazy so there was this handsome guy that tapped me into another dimension with his features before he finally brought me back to reality by talking. Things took place (not those stupid ones you're thinking of ) then I suddenly snapped at him unintentionally and I regretted it plus we met again at the party I was coordinating; we talked things out and exchanged numbers and the only thing I know is that his name is Alec Ambrose but he doesn't know mine"  I rapped and tried to catch my breath.

"Wow" was all he said

"What?" I asked confused

"It's funny honestly and kind of unrealistic" he said seriously laughing

"Ziri stop" I said as I threw a pillow at him

"If we weren't best friends I would think you're possessed or sick in the head but the reverse is the case and I'm thinking......."

"Stop!" I said as I threw another pillow at him laughing.

"Okay, so now you turned a cute guy down and you guys talked during the party. Thank heavens!!! Avy Dims is finding love in weirdest places. You should be happy with yourself right now at least your life is going to be finally interesting. Finally, watching  unnecessary teen movies with you is going to pay off" he said as we both laughed

"I hate you" I grumbled

"I love you more, thank you" he winked at me as he made himself comfortable

"Now, about this guy, did you exchange phone numbers with him?" He asked

"Yes but he hasn't talked to me yet"

"I hope you didn't give him your official phone number"  he said grinning at me

"No, now, am I crazy? I gave him my new SIM number I registered at the auditions"

"It's true; tell me more about this DJ stuff" he asked

"Well it's a very fun but very stressful fun but discreet business. Everyone wants to be famous but we can't disclose our real names to anyone especially our clients for safety purposes and for those of us that have other jobs. We organize music for parties and we are going to be hosts of a famous show the managers are organizing that will start next week. We organize music for parties and other things I just can't remember at the moment. We are going to be on shifts at evenings and we are supposed to report there every evening and those who are in charge for the day stay back till 10:30 or later depending on what happens.

"That's nice and you know how some adults view these things right?"

"Yes I do and I'm happy my identity is kept discrete. At least they have makeup artists who can give me heavy makeovers and I can wear contacts to change my eye colour instead of glasses" I said confidently.

"Assuming someone finds out? And you guys are not on good terms plus what if it affects your job?

"Ziri I would be fine besides what's the point of living life at my young age if I can't take risks plus someone once said I was a workaholic"

"I  know but couldn't you think of anything other than that?"

"I couldn't and i'm not turning back"

"Couldn't you have asked me first?" He said

"I just wanted to do it myself and I knew you would discourage me just like what you're doing now besides along with risks I'm also earning from it"

"I'm just worried and if anything goes wrong......"

"I would be able to handle it because I'm stronger than ever" I completed his sentence.

"At least I'm hopeful you'll meet someone and forget some persons completely"

I was quiet but nodded my head

"Ziri I'm bored!!!" I cried out

"I know that's why we're going swimming. We're both light and know how to swim besides I need to show off my swimming skills and beat some persons in a few rounds" He said grinning at me

"We'll see about that" I said as I rushed to put on my swim suits.

I came out wearing a knee length dress and a small bag container my toiletries and a vhange of clothes. My swim suits were under my dress.

"Is she ready?" He said in a sarcastic manner

"Nope, just need to apply a little makeup" I answered

He stared at me confused at what I just said

"We're just going swimming" he said

"I know, I just need to look attractive you know" I replied

"Since when did you start doing that" he asked still shocked

"Since today obviously" I answered

"This human being won't be the death of me" he said putting his hands on his face

"Come let's go before you start ranting" I laughed as I dragged him out

"We took his car and went to the swimming area in the estate.

I.B's POV (friday afternoon before he met Avery)

"Can you please leave me alone!" I said in anger

"Why should I? We've been dating for so long; I even moved to Abuja because of you" she said

"No one said you could move beside we both knew this relationship wasn't working out and you decided to come here because of your career!" I shouted

"You're are going to regret what you're doing. Is there another woman?"

I was irritated and said "Even if there was, Its none of your business"

"Trust me you'll regret this" she said as she took her bag and stormed out of the house"

"Finally" I said relieved

She just wanted to date me for power, fame and money; women these days.

I just went to bed and dosed off.

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