Ziri's part

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This chapter is dedicated to NC10EMYand congratulations jovita135 and Haleoseba at your 1k reads ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


"You guys did a great job, congrats; the party held this evening  was a blast and I am really proud of this new crew. You both have Saturday nights to yourselves after our meeting; here are your cheques; Thank you so much and have a good night" the manager said before we went home.

"Today wasn't so bad" Allan said

"Says the person who came into the hall sweating like crazy" I commented.

"I was doing something" he laughed then saw my face "Its not what you think"

I laughed then replied "Okay oh"

"Goodnight AIVY" he said

"Goodnight" I said as well both walked to our cars.

I quietly went to my car and realized it was already 10:45pm. I drove down to the house and got back exhausted. I started recalling what happened until my phone rang.

*Abnormal one 🤧💝*

(Mehn I forgot to call him back)

Me: 'Hello?'

Abnormal one 🤧💝: "What's going on?"

Me: "I've just been occupied with a lot of things I'm so sorry" I said in a tired tune.

Abnormal one🤧💝: "You are always occupied with all manner of things but you always make sure you disturb me at least twice a day and by this time you're always with your phone but i've called severally but no answer; Avy what's going on?" He asked and it was heartbreaking.

I was speechless for a second then answered

Me: I'm really sorry there's a lot I want to tell you about but I've just been occupied with stupid thoughts which got me confused so I followed my stupid instincts and there were results; can we please meet up tomorrow in the afternoon; I promise I'll explain every single thing. Please???"

Abnormal one 🤧💝: "Okay but that doesn't mean I'm happy with you" he said in a dissapointed tune.

Me: "Thanks a lot. Love you bye"

Abnormal one🤧💝: 'Bye' then he cut the call.

Ziri's POV

I can't believe she didn't bother to call me for three days and its really bothering me. We've been best friends for over 10 years and this was really odd. She had been acting weird for a while and I was really busy.

(10 years ago)

"Hey, Avy" I said with a smirk on my face

"He" she said shyly

Avery and I both resided in port harcourt so we knew each other before she came to Krista High. Our parents were good friends and my Dad and her mum were doing business together at my Dad's company but we didn't hang out much although Zara, Ayden and I were close. We were always doing our own things separately before she came to Krista High and if someone had told me I would be so concerned and worried about her back then I would think theyve gone crazy.

We were close friends but she felt shy talking to me; at first I thought it was personal but I realized that was how she was towards guys my age. As at then she couldn't even hurt a fly talk less of her being strong (no offense) I always felt like protecting her in school even when she didn't need it at school; this led me to have a little crush on her (which faded away after our 11th grade) and she was one of the reasons I.B amd I never got along. Honestly, I was happy circumstances hindered me from taking my feelings to the next level otherwise some things would never remain the same.

Choices And AffairsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora