Part 19 - Liam

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Liam lay in the bed, looking over at Alex. He couldn't believe how lucky he felt. He loved her, she loved him. She knew that his body was a mess and so was his mind, but she like him anyhow. His brain was racing, trying to see any negatives about this new feeling and he couldn't find one. She was a teacher, so she would always understand his passion for the job. He knew his secret and she was okay with it. She was easy to talk to and fun to be around. A slow smile spread across his face and he looked at the ceiling, deciding it was okay to be happy.


"Hmm?" he said, looking back at her.

"I want to make you dinner. Do you like meatloaf?" she asked.

Liam thought. Well, he comes the next secret. Let's see how she responses. "It depends on what you put in it? I'm super picky. My stepdad used to put deer and elk in our food and not tell me? It really freaked me out."

Alex laughed. "Well, that's okay. Hmmm...beef? Oatmeal? Ketchup? An egg? If I have it, cheese? It's pretty bland because my dad has a weak stomach. Would you eat that? And maybe some kind of potato on the side? And a salad or maybe peas on the side?"

"Please don't laugh." Liam started. "But can I shop with you, just to be sure? I'm sorry, but..."

"You want to help?"

Liam nodded.

Alex sat up and grinned. "I'd love that. Get dressed. Crap, I don't have any clean clothes here. I can run home."

She started to climb out of the bed but Liam grabbed her. "No leaving. We can shower and I'll loan you something to wear. I have tee shirt and shorts that will fit you."

It was easy for Liam to convince her to stay and they showered together, laughing as she tried to wash his hair. Again, Liam was amazed at how easy everything was with her. He didn't need to fight with her or argue with her. She just fit with him, like they were supposed to be together.

They walked around the store together, picking up things that he didn't own, including a loaf pan to shape the meatloaf. She didn't seem upset or laugh at him, she just nodded and smiled. He couldn't help but compare her to Sophie. She argued about everything. She wanted peppers and onions and put them in her meatloaf. She told him to get over his food phobia. Michelle had laughed at him, deciding that she wasn't even going to try to cook for him, he was going to take her out. But here was this beautiful girl, walking in the isles with him, asking him if he would eat sour cream. How did Jackie know that she was the right girl? How?

Liam insisted on paying for the food and even helped cook it, laughing that he was making sure that she only put in beef and didn't sneak in deer meat. And it was good. He liked the meatloaf. He liked the way she made mashed potatoes. She helped clean up and then she told him that she needed to go home. He begged her to stay, but he knew she couldn't.

Liam: I miss you

Alex: I've only been gone 15 minutes. I just got home.

Liam: I still miss you.

Alex: You can't tell, but I'm smiling at you.

The next morning, Liam stuck his head in the door to Jackie's classroom. "Morning, Jax! Lex. Come here."

Alex walked through the door and he grabbed her, pulling her into a corner. He leaned in and kissed her softly. "Morning." he said. "Want to come over after the staff meeting?

Alex nodded. "Sure." She pulled him down for another kiss. "Thank you for the great weekend."

"No, thank you." He kept kissing her. "I have leftover meatloaf for lunch."

Alex grinned and kissed him again.

Liam heard the door to Harry's classroom open. "Go away, Harry. My classroom, my business." he said.

"I am NOT Harry, Mr. Payne."

Liam's head dropped and he turned to face Mrs. Brower. "Helen."

She made a grunting noise. "I will be reporting this, Mr. Payne."

Liam sighed. "It's none of your business and I'm not breaking any rules, so what, exactly are you going to report?"

Mrs. Brower crossed her arms over her chest. "She's a child."

Alex cleared her throat. "I'm 24." she said, softly.

Liam put his arm behind him and pushed Alex out of view. "Please, leave."

Mrs. Brower tossed her hair back. "Harry isn't here and I need to know where he leaves his sub plans."

Liam didn't speak or move. Finally, the bell rang and Mrs. Brower turn and left. Liam turned back to Alex. "Don't worry about it. Mrs. Staples won't even care." He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "I'll see you are recess, okay?"

Alex nodded and went back in to Jackie's room and Liam took a deep breath. He really hoped he was telling the truth and that Mrs. Staples really wouldn't care.

At the staff meeting they had to pick colors for their costumes for Halloween. The staff wore shirts with M on them attempting to look like M&M candies. Fourth grade was going to be green and Jackie had it covered. Afterwards, Liam walked down the hall to the front doors. Jackie and Alex were behind him. Mrs. Staples stepped out of her office and called for him. Liam turned, rolling his eyes at Alex. "I'll meet you at my place? I have chicken in the slow cooker?" Alex nodded and walked away. Liam went into the office.

Before Mrs. Staples could even speak, Liam said, "First, it's none of Helen's business and second? There is no rule against dating a coworker."

Christie laughed. "Look, I know she's 24 and I know this is a sketchy area, but I'm not going to say a word. Okay? I just need to make it look good. But, no more kissing on school grounds. Honestly, I don't know if there are any rules about student teachers, and I'm not looking it up. I'm glad you seem happy and if Jackie is okay with it, it must be okay. Just, stay away from Helen."

Liam nodded and asked if he could go. She nodded and he ran to his car, happy that he wasn't in trouble and that Alex would be waiting when he got home.

When he hopped in, Jackie was waiting for him. "So?" she said.

"It's fine. It's fine." Liam started the car and headed to Jackie's house. "How did you know? That I'd like her, I mean? How?"

Jackie shrugged. "I didn't. I just knew that you should. She's completely different from every girl who I've seen you with. Michele was power hungry. She wanted to run this town and you are super laid back, you didn't fit into her power couple mold. And from what you've told me about Sophie? She was just obsessed with getting what she wanted, which isn't much different. You need a nice girl who is laid back, like you are. When Alex was little? She used to tell me what when she grew up, she wanted to be a teacher and have a pool. She's a teacher and you have a pool. Perfect. Plus, she loves this town as much as you do. She doesn't want to move away and find something better. She wants to be here."

Liam nodded. "So, you found me a girl that likes this town and wants a pool?"

Jackie sighed. "Honestly, she came and asked me about student teaching in April? I had just suspected that I might be pregnant. And, since I knew it would break your heart, I decided that I'd give you Alex. So, now you aren't sad that I'm having a baby, right? I waited to tell you so I wouldn't have to see you get upset. I knew you would be."

Liam laughed. "So, I got a consolation prize? I can't have a baby so I get a great girlfriend?"

"Well, yes. And nobody said you couldn't have a baby. It will just take time. And Sophie wasn't willing to wait."

"Ha!" Liam said. "We tried for years, Jax. Not happening. I just hope that Alex..."

"Don't." Jackie said. "Don't think ahead. Think about now."

Liam nodded. She was right. Like always.

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