Chapter 22: Family Is Everything

Start from the beginning

"For your information mommy dearest, I've been doing all of those things and more." My mother raised a single eyebrow with curiousity.

"Oh really, tell me more..." she encouraged and I smiled.

"Well... I've gone to parties, I've hung out with friends, and I even have a-" I paused to build suspense. My mother still had her brow raised, waiting for my answer. I laughed as I continued. "...I have a boyfriend now." I said on an almost whisper. It was weird to say this out loud, especially since Jared would now be my first boyfriend.

I watched as my moms eyes got bigger and widened with shock. Once everything finally processed, my mom squealed like a kid in a candy shop.

"You have a boyfriend and you haven't told me about him yet?!" My mother's eyes brightened while I blushed.

"Yeah, our relationship is pretty new." I smiled.

"Well go ahead, tell me more, baby." I didn't know what to say at first. Jared was handsome.... I thought to myself but then realized I was drawing a blank on all the other qualities that I wanted to share with my mom. I shook my head and chalked it up to being so worried about Joshua.

A weird thought crossed my mind and I wanted to see how my mother would react. My voice was hesitant and unsure as I garnered the confidence to ask my question.

"So mom, quick question...what if I told you my boyfriend was.... um. white- uh white-ish?" I could barely even ask the question properly. But the moment the question left my mouth, was the same moment I cringed and wished I didn't just ask that awkward question.

Why ask that? It was obviously an unnecessary question because I didn't have a white boyfriend and I wasn't planning on having one in the near future. What made it worse was the silence my mom was giving me while she stared at me through the screen. She looked like she was trying to figure out if I was serious or just joking.

Finally, after what felt like forever, my mother cleared her throat and plastered on another false smile.

"White-ish? What does that even mean? Mia, is your boyfriend white or not?" Seeing her confused reaction had me back tracking and assuming she didn't approve. So I quickly shook my head no, while awkwardly smiling.

"Uh- Forget about it mom, I just wanted to see your goofy reaction while I mess with you." My mother eyed me skeptically and I began to overcorrect myself because I could see it in her eyes that she didn't believe me. I sighed.

"Mom, I'm serious! Jared isn't a white boy. I don't even like white guys. So don't give me that look! MOMMMM!!!" I was rambling and I knew I sounded guilty but I needed her to believe me.

My mom tucked her chin in slightly, tilted her head to one side, and pasted on an skeptical smile. In response,  I rubbed my fingers across my eyebrows to help relieve some of the tension I was feeling.

"Well, whoever he is, it sounds like your smitten with him." I could tell that she still didn't believe me but the more defensive I got, the more guilty I sounded so I let the topic drop.

"Yeah, well... we just started dating so i'll let you know how it goes. Don't plan any weddings anytime soon." I smiled and my mother chuckled.

"Hey Mia?" I raised a questioning brow.

"I'm glad you're finally doing okay. Don't worry about Josh, he'll be fine. Your father and I will deal with Joshua. Just focus on yourself right now. You deserve it." I smiled. I loved my family so much words could not explain it.

I knew our conversation was winding down and once that happened, I usually asked to speak with my nephew Jay before I got off the phone. Jay was now 12 years old and my parents have had sole custody over him for the past 9 years.  Once Mike died, my parents brought his girlfriend to court and argued that she was an unfit mother.

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