"I'd like to see you try Lee." Fred said with a grin as he placed an arm around me. Lee just smiled.

"Ha ha okay well I'll see you two later. Bye Marley." Lee said as he went out the door, he would have to walk all the way until he was out of the protective charms, and then he would be able to apparate.

"Fred, I need to continue making dinner." I said with a smile as he looked at me and smiled.

"Alright love." He said as he bent down and pecked my lips, making my face go red, because he hardly did that when we weren't alone. I looked over to see George grinning.

"Beautiful love, you can only find it once." George said in a childish tone as my face was on fire.

"Shut up." I said quietly as he just smirked and the two left to go back upstairs as I continued dinner.

A couple days passed and it was finally Christmas Eve, we were going to be having dinner later tonight, Bill and Fleur would be joining us, which was good since I hadn't seen them in awhile. I was a little disappointed though when I got a letter from Ginny saying she wouldn't be coming back for Christmas Break, she had told me her, Neville and Luna had something going on. I didn't quiet understand but I knew she was probably talking about an uprising starting to form in the school. I sighed as I rolled over on the bed feeling horrible; I had gotten the Weasleys nothing. Nothing at all. I was hoping this would be my chance to thank them for all they've done for me, but again nothing. I hadn't even gotten Clary or Fred anything. I was a horrible mother and a horrible girlfriend...

I sighed in frustration as I looked at my hands, unmarked. Why did I have this? How could I have this? Is this how Clary got her gift, from me?

"Oh boy... what did my father do to me?" I asked myself as I looked up at my ceiling. I should be happy about this shouldn't I? Most people I think would be excited they have some sort of super power? Especially healing abilities, I mean this means that I can get hurt but I can always heal myself.... I groaned as I placed the pillow over my face trying to calm myself. What were the limits to this thing? Does this mean I could heal people as well? "Why are things so challenging...?" I asked myself not realizing that I wasn't alone in the room.

"Why's what so challenging?" I heard a voice ask as I sat up, causing the pillow to drop to my lap, and there was Fred standing at the end of the bed. I immediately blushed as I saw Fred.

"N-nothing..." I replied as Fred raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm you know it's not good to keep secrets from your boyfriend, Marley." Fred said to me with a smirk.

"I'm not keeping a secret. I'm just wondering why it's so challenging this Christmas, but then I realized it's because my father is controlling the ministry." I said with a sigh, this was slightly true, but I wasn't thinking about this when Fred came in.

"Love, this Christmas will be amazing. I promise." He said with a grin as I blushed but smiled. For some reason I knew it would be, as long as I was with Fred. "Now come on dinner is ready, and Bill and Fleur should be here soon." Fred said with a grin, as I smiled and stood up from the bed, following Fred out the door. We walked out to see Fleur and Bill in the sitting room as my smile grew.

"Fleur, Bill!" I yelled running out the door as I glomped Fleur in a hug, and then gave Bill a hug. "How have you guys been?" I asked with a grin as they smiled.

"Very good, Marley you look veautiful like always." Fleur said with her French accent.

"Thank you Fleur, you look beautiful as well. Hi Bill, how are you?" I asked looking over at Bill as he smiled.

"Good, we have been good. I'm glad your still here Marley, it's nice to see you again." He said as he ruffled my hair. I only grinned.

"Alright everyone we will have time to talk during dinner. Arthur can you help me set the table." I heard Mrs. Weasley said as Arthur stood up from the living room as he walked back in the room. I looked to see Charlie was even here.

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