I throw of my cloak and pull off my shirt. "There is no plan."

Thane blanches as I kick off my shoes and pull down my leggings, leaving myself in nothing put my bra and panties.

"Ares, as much as I appreciate seeing you in your undergarments," Killian begins, looking at me warily. "And believe me when I say I appreciate it immensely- please tell me what the hell you're doing."

I look down at Blood Lake, the water so cold, I see chunks of ice floating in it. Well, this wouldn't be pleasant at all.

"I'm getting the knife, stupid," I tell Killian, running towards the ledge.

And I dive into Blood Lake.

I hear Thane and Killian gasp as my body plummets down headfirst off the cliff.

I fall for what seems like years before I hit the water. The water feels like concrete on my skin. The feeling of pain is immediately replaces as it feels like ice coats every inch of my skin.

I open my eyes, and realize that I can see under water, even though my eyes nearly freeze solid as I do so.

I swim deeper and deeper until I see the floor of the lake, ignoring the way that the freezing water desperately tries to paralyze me.

I search the floor of the lake, knowing that I only have a minute or so before I'm completely out of oxygen or frozen solid, whichever happens first.
And then I spot the knife.

It sits on the floor of Blood Lake, shining like nothing is wrong. I push against the waves, fighting to get to the knife, and when I grip it, I realize that I've been without oxygen for far too long, and there's a decent chance I drown in this cursed lake.

Black dots spot my vision, and I nearly miss the dark oval in my line of sight.

Killian. He sent me a portal to escape in.

I swim towards the portal, still feeling the effects of the lack of oxygen. My hand barely touches the portal, and then it feels like I'm falling through the darkness.

I fall forever, until I'm finally able to breathe again. I cough, spitting up the water of that fucking lake. Thane and Killian lean over me, and I feel cold air hitting my skin, but the air is welcomed.

I gasp through the vomiting until the water is out of my lungs and is replaced with air. Killian smacks the hell out of my back, aiding the process.

I inhale deeply when it's all over, ignoring Thane and Killian's concerned stare, only caring about the oxygen that fills my lungs. It was a close call, too close, and it reminds me of Samuel yanking the air out of my lungs and killing me.

"Stupid," Killian mutters once I'm done throwing up the water. "Stupid girl. Do you realize how cold it is down there? You could have died."

I greedily inhale more air until I'm certain that it isn't going anywhere. "It worked, didnt it?" I say, sitting up as I hold the knife victoriously.

Thane exhales in relief. "You know you have to be alive in order to kill Selene, right?"

I roll my eyes. Obviously.

"Someone give me my fucking clothes. It's fucking


"No fear, no mercy," I yell to my wolves, who howl in response.

None of them dared to ask questions when I told them that I would be leading into battle. They knew they would be risking a death worse than whatever they would face at the hands of Iron Claw.

Lethal✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon