Chapter 15: The Night Before The Eclipse.

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Selene crawls under her covers in the shared initiate bed chambers. The howling wind can be heard outside the temple. It's abnormally cold for this time of year, a bad omen indeed. She tosses and turns trying to fall asleep, the other initiates have already fallen asleep.

Selene throws off her covers she decides to walk the quite halls of the temple, usually that does the trick. She sneaks to the large oak doors she begins to push the doors but they won't budge. Frowning she moves over to the right wall her hand grazes the rough surface. The wall slides just enough for her to slip through. At one time the secret passageway doors opened fully but the mechanism is slightly broken. She slips into the pitch black tunnel's the doorway closes behind her.

Selene closes her eyes it's forbidden to use such magic when you've been chosen to become a seer. Her father taught a few magic tricks before she came here. White sparkles warp into existence around her left hand. These sparkles turn into orbs of glowing light. She walks the tunnels for a few minutes before facing the left wall she reaches for the wall her eyes go white. Something isn't right she can hear muffled voices on the other side a man and a woman.

"Yes Leona, I know it's forbidden for me to be here at this late hour but I must know the fate of this world." The man grumbles.

High Oracle Leona sighs, "I've told you only the king is told such things."

"I am the prince, shouldn't I know such things?" The man scoffs.

Leona turns to the wall se stares blankly at it Selene backs up slightly nervous as if Leona can see her.

Leona sighs, "You must leave now we have a listener.".

The man begins to draw his sword.

Leona raises her hand, "No sense put that away. It's only a initiate within the walls. Now leave I will deal with her."

The man bows his head while resheathing his sword, he stalks off.

Leona smiles, "Come on out Selene. I know it's you. You are the only one that knows of the tunnels I the walls."

The secret door opens slightly wider then the one in the initiates bedchambers. Selene wonders if she should enter the common room chambers. It's rare for Leona to show herself these days. Selene has heard stories of her cruelty to the initiates.

"Now don't make me come in there and get you Selene." Leona growls.

Selene hesitates as she steps into he chamber. Leona moves fast for an elderly oracle, she grabs Selene by the her left hand. The light orbs still vibrating around them.

Leona sits her in one if the leather chambers, "Put that out girl, it's forbidden to use such magic in this place. Your eyes are white are seeing glimpses of the future?"

"No, I am not this happens sometimes when I feel something isn't right in the temple." Selene stammers.

"Why are you so nervous around me? You've must of heard the stories of my cruelty to the initiates. Those are hogwash my child, why would I harm my initiates?" Leona laughs.

"But we don't see you very often so rumours fly." Selene's white eyes return to her piercing green eyes, the orbs around her hand fade away.

"No how much did you hear from the man that was with me earlier?" Leona asks.

"Nothing much." Selene closes her eyes, "All I heard was you won't tell the man the fate of this world."

"You are very astute young girl. Yet you are still an initiate. You haven't been considered for an apprenticeship under one of the oracles yet. You are wondering why child?" Leona sighs.

"Yes, that is why I wonder the halls at night among other things. Selene stutters.

Leona peers into the fireplace the wood has been reduced to ashes, "Your father has told us not to. You are not meant for this life but your mother insisted in this. Your magic and sight are strong. I would like to take you under my guidance and train both of them but not hear in the temple somewhere else. We will leave after the blood moon eclipse. Now go get some rest. The eclipse will happen tomorrow."

Selene smiles, "Thank you high oracle Leona, I will return to the initiates chambers."

Leona watches the excited Selene leave her. Black particles exhaust out her eyes. She smile smiles slightly.

Selene slips back under her covers falling asleep she can hardly wait to tell he friend she has been chosen to become an apprentice.

One by one the high oracles awaken black particles exhaust out of there eyes.  They continue on throughout the day. 

  Selene and the initiates begin to set up for the blood moon eclipse.  Wondrous things are supposed to happen during the eclipse.  Selene stares out into the fog encased mountains there is an air of unrest. 

  Deep within the temples bowels the high oracles stand around the levitating crystal.  They begin to chant stealing the crystal levitating power. 

As the temple shakes the initiates scream in terror.  Selene and the others fall to her knees, that was worse then before.  Selene gets up onto her feet this is getting ridiculous she thinks.  I am going to the levitating crystals and find out why they are loosing their power.

  Selene hurries back to the initiates bed chambers it's a lot faster to get to the crystals through the tunnels .  She proceeds through the tunnels. 

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