Chapter 3

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I went up into Ace's room. It was quite big and neat. "So what were you doing that you managed to get a bleeding hand and glass stuck in your hand ?" I asked. "Nothing that should concern you" he replied. Rude much I thought to myself. I kept examining him and still for some reason he looked familiar to me but I couldn't remember why. His hand was covered with tattoos which looked good on him. "You know you shouldn't stare at people, or why don't you take a picture it'll last longer ?" Ace suddenly speaks up.

 I was in lost of words. "Uh sorry I don't know why but you look familiar to me " As soon as I say that his muscles tenses up for some reason that I am not aware of.

 "I think you should go Ash" He says. "What ?" I say. "I said you should go " He repeats himself. " I can't believe you" I scoffed and left his room.

Why did he have sudden mood swings. One second he is nice and the other he is not I couldn't keep up with him. The next week passed by in a flash I could barely keep up with what was happening except doing my assignments and homework. It was finally the weekend. 

"Ash come one, today you are going to the party with us" Emma said. Before I got the chance to say anything Ace spoke up " No she isn't going". I scoffed, Who the hell does he think he is. I can make my own decisions.

 "Yeah sure Emma, I will come." I said. Ace glared at me. "Yeah today it will be fun" Chris spoke in. Lucy and Chris are always going on dates on the weekends so they barely come to any parties. "Great today everyone will be together except Ace" Scott rolled his eyes. "No I am coming " Ace said . "Woah really " Scott said. "yes" Ace said narrowing his eyes at Scott.

"Doesn't usually go to parties ?" I ask Scott. 

 "No, not really" He looks at me with this look saying curious much.

"Oh, i though of him as this party guy" I said 

"He looks like one but trust me he isn't" Scott chuckles.

I got dressed in off shoulder white sweater with leggings. It was cold outside, so I wasn't going to freeze myself just so I can look good. I apply some makeup and curl my hair, and let my hair loose. I walk down the stairs and everyone was already downstairs. "sorry to keep you guys waiting" I said as I was walking down the stairs but when I look up everyone was staring at me. 

"What am I cinderella now ? " I chuckled. " Well you look like one now" Emma and Lucy both said. "Come on now don't flatter me" I laugh. I was just in a plain white sweater with legging what's so great about the I questioned myself

"No Ashley, you look gorgeous" Ace spoke up turning all heads towards him, including mine. I froze at my place because that was the exact thing my dad said to me before the car crash. 

*2 years ago*

I was going to a friend's party, my parents were dropping me off there and they were heading off to someplace else, a business party I guess. I quickly picked an outfit got ready and walked down the stairs. " I don't think I look good in this dad" I said as walking down the stairs.

"No Ashley, you look gorgeous" my dad says already looking at me. "Now come on don't overthink it, your mom and I also have to go somewhere too"

" Yeah, I am ready dad" and  with that my parents dropped me off at the party. That was the last time I saw them. In between the party Bethany's mom came up to me and says "you have to go now, your parents got in a car crash and they are at the hospital". 

My heart was racing at a million beats per minute. I was scared to hell and I rushed into the hospital. I ran across the hallway and when I reached the ICU. There was this guy standing there. 

"who are you" I say out of breath and sniffling.

"Relax, I am Ace i brought your parents here after the crash" He replied

Ace was very good looking and handsome. The guy every girl would fall over and I bet every girl does.His deep brown eyes were telling me that everything will be okay. But it didn't turn out to be okay and this random stranger was there to comfort me. Crazy right.

The doctors came out and announced that my parents didn't make it. I fell to the floor, my head spinning from everything the doctors just said. Ace picked me up and put my head again his chest and I just cried for hours and hours. I must have fainted because when I woke up I was in my room and that random stranger was gone just like he came.


I fake smiled at Ace and said "thank you and don't call me Ashley it's Ash"

Everyone went out side and they decided to take one car. There wasn't space for me so I told them I'll walk there.

"Ash the house is quite far you can't walk there" Scott says.

"Um I'll take my car then" I said knowing that I had phobia of driving cars at night. I couldn't after that night.

"It's fine Ash will come with me on my bike" Ace says. It was as if he knew I can't drive at night.

I had no choice so I sat with Ace on his bike and loosely put my arm around him for support. He seemed to tense up by that action but I chose to ignore it. When we arrived at the party it was at full swing. Everyone was going crazy. The second I went inside the house I seemed to lost all my friends. 

An hour passed by and I just could not take it any longer there were drunk people everywhere. So I left the party because I was sure if I stayed any longer I would have gotten sick. I was walking all alone on the empty street. Sometimes I wished I didn't go my friends party, so I could have stopped my parents from going or I could have gone with them.

I kind of lost track of time and I found myself by a beautiful lake. I sat near the lake, the moon's shadow was glistening on the water. It was dark enough for the sky to shine, it was filled with stars. It looked absolutely breathtaking. I just stared at the sky and for some reason tears started to run down my cheek. I missed them, they left me all alone.

Suddenly I heard Ace's voice. "Ashley, Ashley where are you. Ash-" 

"Why are you screaming Ace" I asked annoyed because I loved the silence, I quickly wiped my tears hoping it was dark enough and he didn't see my tears.

"Where did you go Ashley, you could have informed before going .I was so worried you aren't a little child to just disappear like that " Ace was practically screaming.

"Firstly its Ash, secondly why are you even screaming at me? I don't remember my parents or me giving you the authority to scream or control me and what's it to you anyways, if I was gone or not" my voice being louder than intended and my heart stinging at speaking about my parents. Suddenly tears were rolling down my cheek again.

"Hey, Ash I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just so worried I couldn't lose you" Ace comforted me. I was surprised by his words I couldn't lose you. What does he mean by that? but I chose not to ask.

He sat down beside me. " Mind if I ask you something ?"

"Yeah sure" I replied curious of what he wants to know.

"Do you believe in love ?" He asked facing towards me but I simply replied " No I don't". "Why don't you Ash ?"

 " I don't know I have never really had someone by my side to through my hard times for me to fall in love with them, but I did fall in love once " I explained. 

"Who did you fall in love with" He asks turning his face towards me.

"This stranger that was by my side through the most difficult time of my life, my parents died in a car crash 2 years back and I was at a friend's party. This guy took my parents to the hospital and was there by my side and he even paid for everything, he held me tight when I was breaking down the most. I started to fall for him but he disappeared, so I wouldn't exactly say love.I don't date either and you know the funny thing is his name was Ace too" I explained and I didn't even realise I was crying.

"Do you believe in love Ace ?" 

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