Chapter 8

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It's a short chapter, sorry😁😁


"I'll be out in a minute!" Ant said as Dec clambered out the drivers seat. It was the first time they'd played golf in a while, and it was one of the only days in December where it wasn't cold. In a few days time they'd go back up to Newcastle, Christmas was always spent with families. It was a time where they could both recharge their batteries and relax.

The only reason Ant was staying in the car was to check his phone. Twitter was loaded onto his screen, he'd searched up what he wanted to read. There were already a bunch of new tweets since yesterday, it seemed as if people knew he was going to read all of them.

"Ant, might wanna hurry before the weather goes bad!"

Oh well, he'd just look at twitter after.

"Yeah, coming."

Ant left his phone on the car seat, it would switch off in its own time. He made his way out to set up a good game of golf, Dec's excitement only making him chuckle.

20 minutes later

The next time Dec entered the car, it was because his throat was dry and raspy. All he wanted was a bottle of water. He hadn't found anything unusual about Ant, just putting his behaviour from the previous day to the back of his mind.

The bottle of spring water he desired was next to Ant's phone. Dec didn't mean to do anything, but maybe his subconscious knew something was wrong. It might have been down to fate that his finger brushed the home button. Ant's lock screen of Hurley popped up, the light blinding his eyes for a second.

He had 2 options here, switch the phone back of or put in Ant's password and take a bunch of mugs on his phone.

The preferred option was obvious.

Dec put his finger back on the home button, using biometrics to open the phone. Sitting down in the car seat, he glanced outside. Ant could wait a minute until he was back.

All he was planning to do was switch the camera on, nothing else.
All he had to do was switch of the twitter page that turned up on the phone.
But all he did was stare.

Dec's lips were poised and still, his eyes fuming and his hands gripped on tighter to the phone. Who could say these things about a person? He'd stopped looking at hate, he knew it wouldn't do him any good. He was also sure that Ant had also stopped, they'd both had a discussion about it before.
Didn't people have anything else better to do than ruin someone's confidence?

He scrolled up a bit, his fingers digging into the screen.

That's when he saw, right on the search button, what ant must have typed.


His fingers trembled, eyes flashed and nose flared. Something churned inside him, burning to be let out. He wasn't sure if he was angry at people for saying this, or angry at the person it was aimed at for not telling him. This must have been why Ant stayed in the car a minute longer than he did...was this linked to his behaviour yesterday? Was this why he'd flinched? It didn't make sense, nothing was working in his mind.

Dec flung the car door open, letting the winter breeze envelope him. The clouds were on the same page as him, dark and sinister. The wind ruffled his hair, giving a dark edge to his looks. Birds that were near flew away, squawking as they went along. He stepped out, slamming the door shut, taking his time to walk over to his best friend.

"There you are, was wondering what happened to ya!" Ant exclaimed when he saw him, his lips formed into a grin. The grin became smaller and smaller when he felt the atmosphere around Dec, and the grin completely disappeared when he saw his phone clasped in the smaller geordie's hand.

Neither of them spoke a word, one scared of what was going to happen, the other raging at the turn of events. 

"Dec, "Ant started slowly, cautious of the words that escaped his mouth, "I-"

Dec shut him up by stepping forward.

-Caramel Penguin


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