He turns his helm slightly to look at me "the autobots saved your partners aft quite a few times, like when Breakdown was captured by mech Bulkhead came to rescue him. You owe them, you owe Bulkhead so fix Wheeljack, please. Please." I say with tears threatening to fall.

Wheeljack's optics are now opened and are looking at me. Knockout sighs "look, I'll let you all out of the chains, but if Megatron finds out about this, he won't hesitate to kill me. But I will let you escape." He points a digit at me "don't forget you owe me for this."

"If Megatron is going to kill you then why don't you change to the autobot side?"

"I wish I could, blonde."

"Names Emma."

He rolls his optics yet has a smile tugging at his lips as he unties a sleeping Ratchet "what?" He mumbles.

"I convinced Knockout to unchain you both and let us go. Jackie needs medical treatment." I add as Ratchet falls to the floor and instantly walks over to Jackie.

"Why would you help us Knockout?" Jackie says weakly.

"Because what she said is true, I was forced to be a decepticon because of my creators and the faction I was born into." He explains as he crosses his arms over his shiny chassis.

Ratchet turns his servo into a welding torch as he begins to weld the big wound together. "We need to get Ebony." I say.

"I'll go fetch her." Knockout says as he leaves the room. Ratchet finishes repairing Wheeljack and unchained him as Jackie's arm is slung around Ratchet's neck.

"Are you both unharmed?" Ratchet asks.

"Well kinda. Megatron jabber us both with an energon prod." I put my hands on my higher arms "and it hurt." I add shuddering.

"I can't imagine how painful it'll be for a humans small and fragile body."

"Eb and I aren't that fragile." I say as Knockout walks in with a squirming Ebony in his grasp.

"Stop squirming." Knockout whines.

"I'll stop when your head is off your shoulders." She's snaps back.

"Ebony it's helm and his letting us go." I say.

Knockout lowers her to the table I'm standing on as she crosses her arms and huffs "what did you do? Blackmail him with something he did in the past?"

"Wait I don't even recognise you two humans, and how do you know so much about us and Breakdown?" He asks.

"Let's just says we know things." I say as Ratchet walks towards the door while supporting Jackie walk.

"The passcode is 33314106-WJ." I say.

"How on earth did you remember that?" Ebony asks "you have a shit memory."

"Three is my favourite number, there's three of them, I'm fourteen, my little brother ten, I have six cousins and Wheeljack."

"Huh smart." Knockout says then grins "for a blonde."

"Oh shut it." I snap.

"Hey dude with the hot red paint, nice." Ebony nods.

"Did you just call him hot?" Ratchet and I ask at the same time.

She instantly goes red "what. No."

"Yes you did." Knockout says with a smirk and then looks her up and down, wtf?

"KO, she's has a boyfriend." I say.

"Are you going to keep talking or can we all leave this blasted ship?" Ratchet demands.

Knockout picks up me and Ebony in one move "follow me." He says as he walks down the hall with both autobot mechs following him.

We walk into the room where the groundbridge is and he activates it "it's set for Australia, outside of Sydney." KO says.

"Hey we live in Australia." Me and Ebony say. "Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie, Oi, Oi, Oi!" We both cheer.

KO places us on ratchets shoulder since his busy holding up Jackie. When Megatron decides to walk into the room. "Knockout what are doing with the prisoners!?" He roars.

"Come with us Knockout." Ratchet says.

"I'll take you up on that offer." He says as we all run through the ground bridge, well Ratchet running while half carrying Jackie and Knockout helping him as the Groundbridge shuts.

Ratchet quickly out us down. "This is Ratchet requesting an emergency groundbridge." Ratchet says into his com link as a bridge opens up and we all walk through.

As soon as Bulkhead and Arcee see Knockout they activate their guns and point them at him. He shields his faceplate with his servos "watch the paint!" He shrieks.

"Both of you put down your weapons." Optimus says calmly, having been watching. "But why is he here?"

"Optimus just help me prep Wheeljack for surgery, his internally bleeding."

"What! Is he going to make it?! Please tell me he will." I almost beg.

"Emma, wreckers are tough we don't break that easily." Bulkhead reminds me.

"I know but I'm still worried." I say trying to peer into the medic bay but I'm too small.

"Where's Jazz and Phebs?" I ask.

"Sleeping." Arcee says "but I still don't get why Knockout's here."

"Well for your information, Arcee, I helped them escape."

"And why would you do that?" She asks with an optics ridge rised.

"Maybe because blonde here is very persuasive."

Bumblebee beeps something "no, scout i wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the human blonde."

"Stop calling me blonde!" I yell at him.

"Nope." He says making a pop sound with the p.

"You know why your names knockout?" I ask.

"Because I'm drop dead sexy." He is so up himself.

"No because anyone can knock you out in a fight."

"Good one." Smokescreen says.

While knockout is fuming, I poke my tongue out at him. Jazz and Phebs walk out of the hallway "what's with the racket?" Jazz asks sleepy.

"Maybe cause we're back." Ebony says.

"Oh thank god." Phebe says.

"God?" Knockout asks.

"Our version of Primus." I answer.

"Whats the human version of Unicron?"

"Satan." Ebony answers Knockout.

"Something you all should know is that later in the series Knockout does change sides to the autobots, in the movie called Transformers Prime Predacons Rising. Anyway one more thing Megatron still comes back to life even through Bee killed him after Bee gets killed of course."

Bumblebee beeps something as his optics are wide. "He dies!?" Raf yells.

"He comes back with the synthetic energon." I reassure them.

"Wait how do you know all of this?" Knockout asks as we then have to explain to him.

"Well." Phebe begins "we're from another dimension and...."

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