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I woke up slowly, feeling weak and heavy. The first thing I noted was that I wasn't in my bedroom. The second thing I perceived was the characteristically aseptic smell of a hospital. I blinked several time trying to focus my sight and when unable I searched for my glasses where I always felt them, under my pillow, but they weren't there and it was then that I noted that in my wrist I had a type of plastic bracelet

"Lady Sterling?" I listened to an unknown female voice calling me "Lady Sterling can you hear me?"

"Where am I?" I slowly asked in turn

"Lady Sterling, you are in the pediatric ward of the Royal Care hospital" that voice answered

"WHAT?" I asked almost jumping out of bed, but some huge hands held be back gently making me lay down again

"My glasses, please?" I asked with a small tone of anguish in my voice

"Here they are" a deep and cavernous voice said while handing them to me, that even in my dreams I would have recognized "Nightbane! What's happening?" I asked while putting them on

"Remain calm, you are safe" he answered "the doctor will tell you what's happening?"

"Doctor?" I asked perplexed before the situation

"Lady Sterling, you suffered from a mild case of hypothermia" the other voice said

I remained looking at Nightbane, without fully understanding what I had just listened; I could see in those black eyes his deep expression of concern and knew that this was neither a joke nor a lie. I blinked a couple of times trying to assimilate what I had just heard

"I'm doctor Silvan" she said while I turned to look at her "Lady Sterling, you are in the pediatric area of the Royal Care hospital" slowly she said again "yesterday you were brought here under the effects of a slight case of hypothermia" she said with a calm and paused voice

"How did I get here?" I asked the doctor, a Mustela erminea whose delicate fur already showed all the signs from winter

"For some reason you got out of your house during the night, while it was raining, luckily you managed to reach the guards section where I listened that you were banging at the door" Nightbane said even when his voice appeared to be calm I managed to perceive a note of nervousness in it "we brought you here immediately"

"You've been under medical surveillance the past twelve hours" Dr. Silvan added "now if you'll excuse me I must notify the director of the area that you are awake" she said before leaving the wide room where I was

"How are you feeling?" somewhat restless Nightbane asked

"Somewhat tired" I answered looking towards the ceiling, I stretched my hand with a gesture requesting for his hand

"What happened?" he asked with a low voice, I turned to see him puzzled at his question "what were you doing outside in the frozen rain? Why did you go out?"

"I...I don't know..." ashamed I said while turning to look at him "I was looking for something...that I had lost?" I tried to look at him in the eyes but I couldn't "please forgive me...I didn't mean to be a problem"

"You will never be a problem for me kitten" he said bending toward me and lifted my face so that our gazes would meet, I slightly lifted myself from the bed and with my other hand caressing his cheek brought us a bit closer. I could listen to my heart beating each time harder inside my chest as we kept on getting closer; I felt his warm breath over my face, making me feel a heat without equal

A little duchess Tail - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now