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I'd been taking art classes for a month during that time my drawings had improved very much. My load of work, study and homework had also increased. Because now not only did I have to pay attention to my normal school subjects, along with the additional work I was requested to do but also had to do all the other homework, chores and studies for my most favorite subject: ARTS. That being given at a higher level thus were more demanding than the level at which I took my other classes.

But the improvements were not limited to the academic or graphic, I had also learned new styles and techniques that allowed me a greater artistic expression. My trust and confidence in myself had also improved. I was still very shy, introvert and reserved but only in my regular school, because upon leaving it I became much more open, cheerful and optimistic

My relationship with Nightbane was much better as well; I had exposed before him almost all of my ideas, emotions and anguishes. With great patience he helped, listened, advised and cared for me. He had become my sun and moon, my air to live and the wind under my wings

As an additional bonus my classmates, in my art class, didn't see or treat me as if I was a pussycat, I also wasn't seen as a pet or mousy but addressed as an equal. My long hours studying and drawing were giving fruits as I was able to discuss with adults at almost the same terms and in some chores even out stand; some of my drawings were praised by my classmates, who in turn, being professionals in diverse areas, gave me suggestions and helped me with my normal homework.

All of that alone would have been enough to make me happy, but something inside me choked that joy. A terrible feeling of fright, that gave me nightmares, had taken a hold of me. Fear of losing him, fear that someone might steal my Nightbane away from me!

I saw all the other girls as intruders, thieves and potential threats capable of taking him from my side at any moment and with just a slight flirt. He had never turned to look at any other girl, save for the essential necessary, his attention set on me. But even so that fear, that anguish inside me grew each time more. I wished so much to be able to do something that would prevent me from losing Nightbane, but what could I do?

The answer came to me one afternoon at the end of autumn; we had just finished eating and were taking a brief stroll around the inside of a shopping mall while enjoying an ice cream, when I saw an advertisement form a well known brand of cosmetics offering a makeup Kit at a discount price. My mommy would have never approved on buying such a thing for me, but I had been saving a lot of money since I didn't have to spend neither on transportation nor meals, so the option of being capable of buying it on my own became a possibility

I struggled with the idea for several minutes until I convinced myself that I needed it and a way to acquire it without Nightbane noticing, because it had to be a surprise for him

"I have to go to the bathroom" I announced in a rather urgent manner

"Are you well?" he asked genuinely concerned by my sudden announcement

"Yes...yes, all well, wait for me here" I said while blushing for I had just understood what my sudden announce would imply "just wait here, please...I won't delay, ok?" I said then took a couple of steps only to return and pulling him by the sleeve of his shirt request for him to bend down so I could discreetly give him a quick kiss on his cheek and then run supposedly towards the ladies bathroom

I had rather scarce time, so almost slipping I reached the store where I had seen the advertisement for the makeup kit. With a rather agitated voice I requested the saleswoman to give me one, obviously doing her job she told me its contents, the advantages those  products offered and other things; but I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying but to the time that ticking away. Knowing that in brief Nightbane would worry about my delay and come to look for me

A little duchess Tail - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now