Chapter forty three - In which you visit SHIELD HQ

Start from the beginning

"I know neither of you are overly pleased to be summoned like this, and certainly there have been some misgivings about asking you here."

Loki's mind was wandering; he gave you a small mental nudge as he noticed all of guards that were stationed around the place, spaced out enough so that it didn't look threatening but enough of them to make you feel unnerved when you detected them. Every one of them had guns on them.

"-and this is a necessary precaution." Fury finished, observing you looking at the guards.

There was a very pregnant pause, and then Fury gestured forwards. You followed him up several flights of stairs and down a long corridor with a high ceiling, where there were numerous doors lining each side of the corridor. Fury stopped outside of one and turned to the guards which had followed you down the corridor.

"You can wait outside."

"But Director-"

"That will be all." Fury said, opening the door and gesturing for you to enter.

You walked into the room, followed by Loki and then Fury, who shut the door behind you. The room was huge, with floor to ceiling windows dominating one of the walls and a huge meeting table with countless chairs surrounding it.

"Please, sit." Fury said, pulling out a chair from the table and sitting down heavily in it, leaning back and watching you and Loki as you sat down opposite him.

He knows something.

What do you mean?

He's smug about something.

Loki was usually right about these things.

What is it?

Fury sat up in his chair and placed his elbows on the table.

"You're communicating with each other through your minds, am I right?"


If the shock on your face hadn't immediately given the answer away, your lack of an answer did. You went straight into Fury's mind. He knew you and Loki could communicate without speaking. He knew the cuff which Loki still wore didn't prevent him from using magic. He knew what was going on between the two of you, and he knew that he was having his mind read.

"Yes." Loki replied. You looked at him sharply, and he shrugged. There was no point lying to a man who already knew the truth, you supposed.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't read my mind, for now." Fury said, and you frowned.

"For now?"

"Yes. First we need to have a chat about how long your boyfriend has been able to use magic for without SHIELD's knowledge." Fury said to you, leaning back in his chair again and kicking his legs up to rest them on the table.

You were temporarily rendered speechless. Boyfriend? The word seemed childish when pitted against the relationship that you and Loki had. But that wasn't the point. What would you have replied, anyway? 'Actually, we're soulmates'? Loki heard this and fought not to smile; you turned to him to see his poker face beginning to waver.

"Fine, but we know that you can use magic with that thing on, so you might as well take it off." he continued, nodding towards Loki's wrist.

Is this a test?

I don't know. I don't think so.

Fury rolled his eyes.

"This isn't a test. You need to trust me."

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