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3rd person POV

Once the two boys had made it back to Izuku's house they went up to the boys room to find someting to change into.

"Umm...  Kaachan these clothes might be a bit tight but they are oversized on me so they should fit."

Katsuki nodded and headed into the bathroom. He stripped himself of the wet clothes and put them in a pile on the floor.

He slid on the basketball shorts which actually fit him ok and tried to put on the hoodie.

Yeah well, that didn't fit him it was so tight he couldn't bend his arms. This also meant he couldn't get out of it.

He walked to the door and awkwardly opened it. "Hey Deku do you think you cound help with this."

"Oh My Gods Kaachan. Come 'ere let me help you."

After 10 minutes of trying to save Bakugou from the clutches of the hoodie they finaly got him out.

"Sorry Kaachan that was my biggest hoodie I don't have any other ones."

"Don't worry Nerd I can go without."

The boys went downstairs and put on a movie and sat on the sofa."Why are we watching Finding Nemo?"

"Cause it's the best film ever" (true that. I actually love this film so much. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming)

When it got to the part where you first saw Crush (the lazy turtle thing that acts like it's high) Izuku snuggled up closer to Katsuki and layed his head on his shoulder.

When the film was nearing the end Izuku had ended up asleep with his head in Bakugous lap and Bakugou playing with his hair.

"Come on Nerd"Katsuki said quietly as he lifted the smaller boy up and took him to his bedroom.

After he had layed the boy down he started to go towards the door so he could sleep on the couch, but Izuku had a different Idea.

"Kaachan" he wined"come in my bed I'm cold" as he said this he lifted up the corner on the dovet.

The elder boy let out a small laugh and climbed in next the greenette.

"Why do you skate Kaachan?" Katsuki was a bit taken aback by this question but answered anyway.

He closed his eyes.

" When you first started to compete I watched one of your competitions. You were amazing. I remember how happy you looked on the ice. I think that just started my love for the sport. I was probably thinking 'wow that looks fun and Deku looks great out there maybe I can be as cool as him one day'."

He opend his eyes again to see Izuku with tears in his eyes,"Kaachan. You have always been cooler than me."

"Why do you skate?"

Izuku rolled onto his back and stared at the ceilling.

"Because...  because I Belong on the Ice."

And with that he  rolled on to his side again, (so he was facing Katsuki) and rapped his arms around the older boy. He pulled him into him and put his head in the crook of his neck.

"Night. Love ya" the litteler (is that a word???) boy said and fell asleep.

It took a few secomds for what Izuku had said to reach Katsuki and when it did he was incredibly surprised, but he replied anyway:

"Night Nerd."

and then he finnished it of with an "I love you too".


I am so so so sorry that i haven't updated recently. I think about updating and then I'm just like oh no it's fine you only updated a while ago and then i forget about updating and it will have already been multiple weeks since the last update.

Also me and my sister are going to go Randonautinf today, do you have any good ideas of what we should manifest. Only good things though I don't want to see any one dead.

That's all for now,

Hazzie over and out!

I belong on the ice !Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin