My skates chapter 1

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" Happy 7th birthday Izuku " Inko said as she passed a box to the little green-headed boy. "What is in here ?" young Izuku asked while shaking it gently. " Open it and you will find out " the boy's mother said. He pulled the string, that was keeping the lid of the box on, off and opend the box up to reveal a pair of skates , ice skates. "Thanks mum, " he said, " but I don't know how to skate!" "Well my boy that's why i booked you in for lessons."

8 years later...

" And welcome to the rink the winner of this years National Figure Skating Competition Izuku Midoryia, more commonly known on rink as Deku, this is his  second time here and also his second time winning as well as being this year's youngest competitor" the man on the on the speeker said as Deku calmly glided his way onto the rink waving at his mum who was in the crowd right at the front.

After his 'winner's lap' around the rink Izuku went back to his trainer: Sota Takahashi. " Another win Sota-chan " Izuku said to his tall dark headed trainer." Yes, another win " Sota said to his student " another! "

It wasn't unusual at all for Deku to win actually he had never lost a single competition he had entered.

His bedroom walls are full of trophies on shelves, framed certificate and rosettes as well as many pictures of him on the winners podium.

Back at Izuku's house...

Izuku was just putting his skates into a cupboard along with his costume, he just stood there a for a minute staring at all of his old skates ( he kept every single pair he has had ) , then he looked up and looked around his room he loved his life and his hobbey.

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