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maia pov *3am*
me and summer were up watching movies and eating popcorn

we were sitting at the end of mattias bed so that we could you use his tv

"store?" she said putting her hands in the air

"wanna go to the store?"

"yes" she smiles

"Well it's 3am which means its to late" I say

"no store!" she said loudly

I cover her mouth and just sighed

"Okay fine" I say picking her up

i put her in pink sweats, plain white shirt, and black Jordans

I put on a matching outfit and I laid her hair down

"ready?" she asked

"yes" I pick her up and I was about to walk out the door

"where are you going?" I hear mattias voice

"no where" I sigh and roll my eyes

I hear mattia get up and he walks over to me. he looks at me up and down and I just sigh and close my eyes

"im not moving" he chuckles

"please move" I say getting impatient

he grabs the keys off the night stand and dangles them in my face

I roll my eyes and walk downstairs to the car

I put summer in her car seat and I sit in the front seat with Mattia

"what store?" he asked starting the car

"Well mattia what store is open?" I say sarcastically

"like 3 different stores!" he said with an annoyed face

"walmart dumbass"

he drives off and we made it to walmart

summer told me she wanted Skittles so I was going to the candy isle to get her candy

"this one!" she said picking sour strips

"baby you said Skittles, not sour strips" I say to her.....prolly not the best choice

"I want it!" she scream

she started to fake cry and yell. I was getting embarrassed so I picked her up with her candy and told her she could get it

"tank you" she laughed and smiled

we went to the checkout and I paid because she has no money

I smile at the cashier and walked outside to the car

it was cold and foggy and very early in the morning

we get back to the car and I set summer in the back seat

when we drive she likes to look out the window and draw things on the window

I sit in the front seat and mattia was on his phone giggling

I put my seatbelt, turned on the heat and was ready for mattia to start the car but he didnt kept looking at his phone

"um hello" I say waving my hand up to his face


"I just wanted to know why arent you pulling off?" I say looking around us

"Well who is driving.....? me. so shut the fuck up and wait!!" he said looking back at his phone

"ugh!" I complain

*15 mins later*

15 mins later mattia decided to leave from a walmart parking lot.

I literally was tired and just wanted candy but he had to come along

"its hot" he said turning off the heat

"ah ah ah, its cold out there" I say turning it back on

he slapped my hand and turned it off

"Why the fuck do you keep controlling the car?!" mattia said

"Well maybe because its my car!!"

"mmm well im driving so im sorry for whoever thinks that just because its your car you get to control it"

"shut up you sound so retarded" i say looking out the window

"you shut up ugly bitch, prolly why you got the nose job for you boyfriend Alejandro" he made alejandros name in a girls voice

" how many times do I have to tell you....WE DONT DATE!" I shout the last part

"idc if y'all date or not but all in saying is that im better, and you married me not him so stay off his dick and never get back on mine" he scoffs

I just roll my eyes and kept my mouth shut

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