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Mattia pov
I wake up and I look over at my phone which was going off. Jenna. I ignore it and I see maia laying on my chest as if we just fucked or something.

I moved her gently and i get up to wash my face and brush my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth my phone goes off again. I walk over to it and pick it up

"What?" I say "so why didnt you answer the first time?" "Jenna it is 8 in the morning and I was sleeping" I say spitting out the tooth paste

"Hm. Well are you still taking me to go on a date" she said "well if i told you something im doing it, okay?" "Okay jeez just asking" she said hanging up

"Babe what you doing?" Maia said

I can tell she was being sarcastic which i hate when people do that.

"Nothing" i say finishing up brushing my teeth "well im going home sooo" she said standing up

She got up and walked past me in the bathroom. She looked at me and I looked back and he with a 'what' face. She nodded as if she knew that face

I look at her threw the mirror as she sat on the toilet she was rubbing her eyes so she didnt see me.

"You have a tattoo?" I say "Yeah" she yawned

It was located on her lower back near her butt and it said her name in cursive.

"Want me to ride home with you" I ask "if you want polibio" she yawns again

I give her one of my least favorite sweats to wear back to my house and I rode home with her. She was sweet and stuff but wasnt all that cute.

Last night she smelled amazing, thats why I cuddled her. She smelled like strawberry shortcake. Thos things are really sweet.

To her a probably smelled like a strawberry shitcake. N e ways I called alejandro to come pick me up because i cant catch an uber I'm a murderer and in a gang sooo

Alejandro picked me up and we had some what of a conversation.

"So did y'all like....yk last night" he smiled "no. And why would you need to know that?" I say looking out the window

"Well im just asking" he chuckles "you have you own girlfriend. You would be mad if I asked how tight your girl is. But I alrdy know" I whisper the last part

"What?!" He shouted "what!? And stop yelling!

We made it back to the mansion and I saw my dad sitting at the table. He was on the laptop looking at are gang rankings on this gang thing we have.

"We are below gang snakes" my dad said closing the laptop "thats really bad" Roshaun said

"You think. Your baby could be in dangered because of this" he says to me

Oh right the baby😅

"Wym?" I ask him "well we are 2 below the snakes we need to be above them at all cost" he said rubbing his head

"Okay what do we have to in order to be up there" alvaro says

"We have to keep fighter and killing" I say "um- any victims yet?" Kairi asked "we have one victim ashley. She is in the tiger gang on the other side of new Jersey" i say

"We cant kill people in other gangs idiot. Do you really want maia and your baby to be at risk" my dad says "no" I sigh

She not even pregnant jokes on you✌

"Okay then" he finishes "robbing?" said Alvaro "we rob something?" Alejandro says "Yeah. H-how about we rob the biggest bank in new Jersey" i say

"That will for sure get us up there all in one move" Kairi says with a smile "yes that would. You fucking genius" my dad said hugging alvaro

Once we were done talking about the whole ranking and stuff I was bored and feeling horny. I kept thinking about maia's tattoo on her lower back

I laid on my head bored grabbed lotion and a sock. I just pretended it was maia riding me and her tight pussy cuddling my fat dick.

"Oh- maia" I groan

I could feel myself getting closer and closer to-

"Ah- ugh- shi-shit" I say as i came in the sock

I put the sock in my dirty clothes and i just watch tv.

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