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so im kinda done with her being pregnant so we are skipping it to....not preggo enjoy

maia pov
I was tired asf. the pregnancy then having the baby was just it for me. I laid down slowly in mattia bed and sighed to myself

"I'm going to put her in her crib" mattia whispered

I put a thumbs up and mattia walked away. I just rolled over and groaned at the pain i was having down there

"Okay I know you are in pain or what ever but you are in  my spot" he sighed


I rolled over whimpering in pain and mattia just cuddles me. he kisses my forehead leaving me feel so safe in his arms

"go married to a sixteen year old, thats crazy" he laughs

"I know" I whisper

"what I wonder what we were both doing when you were 5" he says

"what?!" I laugh

"I'm dead serious like i was like 8- 9, something like that" he giggled

I giggle along with him and I just rub his chest

"im going on a mission later with the boys and my dad" mattia said

"Okay, i love you and i hope you win" I say with my eyes closed

"i love you too. I'll have guards watch the house"

"Okay" i sigh

*later that night*

mattia and everyone were about to go to the hospital and and get information on a certain patient for the "sexy nurse" mission

ngl I was really excited for the sexy nurse mission. I was chilling in mattias bed when I here summer crying.

"im coming baby!"

i get up and go walk in her room. she looked so cute and I picked her up and rocked her side to side

she stuck her thumb in her mouth and I went to mattas room

i was home alone, just with the guards who were around the house

"ms polibio, are you okay" guard zieger asked

"Yeah im fine, need anything?" i asked

"um no just checking on you. mattia said he would be back around 3am so I just want you to get a goodnight rest. want me to call a babysitter"

"um that would be nice, thanks" I smile

"np ms. polibio"

people have to call me ms. polibio if they dont know me, one of mattias rules.

after 30 mins I see a young women with brown hair and a black dress come in the room

"hi I'm golden, im here to take care of summer" she smiled

"uh yeah, here she is. her room is right down the hall to the left" I smile giving her summer

"Okay thanks ms. polibio" she smiled

i nodded and I saw her walk to the left

golden pov
"i got the baby" i said threw the phone

"alr bring her back to the house then" Mariano said

I hung up and went threw the back door.

"hey hey hey where are you going with ms. polibio's baby?" a guard asked me

"Oh she told me to take her on a walk, if thats okay"

"Okay be back in 10 mins"

"thanks" I smile

I start walking down the street and once it becomes an empty rode I start to jog

maia pov
I wanted to kiss summer before i go to bed so I walk to her room. i didnt see them in there so I walk downstairs.

no one

I was confused and I heard a knock at the door.

"hi I'm golden im here to see summer" she smiled

"I alr- wait what?" I asked

"im the girl that was suppose to take care of summer"

"but i alr had a girl tha- shit!" I say realizing what happened

I walk outside and I look at zieger

"where the hell is my baby!" I yell

"you told golden to take her on a walk ms. polibio" he said scared I could hear it

"Why the fuck would i tell a stranger to take my baby out for a walk at fucking night zieger!!? you fucking fired!!!!" i shout

I walk inside and i pick up the house phone. i call Mattia hoping he would answer

"maia I'm kinda busy right now" he says

"mattia I have to te-" I begin to cry

"tell me when i get there" he hangs up

I sigh really loudly and i run upstairs. when i get upstairs and throw on a white shirt and black sweats. i put my hair in a bun and I walk outside

"ms. polibio, you cant go outside. its to dangerous" zieger said

"stfu zieger" I say walking to the car

i get in the car and I start looking for summer

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