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Maia pov
*going to see mattia*
"Hey mai uh here are the files of mattia, question him. K?"
"Yeah okay" I rolled my eyes

I knew mattia was older than me but low key he had me throbbing a little last night.

I drove to the station and the files were just sitting in the passengers seat. I parked in the parking lot of the station and I got curious. I looked through the files.

"Damn" I say going through the papers
I was just eyeing all the people he has murdered over time. Some of them were girls and some were guys.

They were all under the age of 16. I shook the thought out of my head and I went inside of the station.

"Hey wassup" jaden said "Nothing just here to get question from polibio" "oh alr then" jaden said giving me the keys to the back "thanks" i smiled walking to the back

When I made it to Mattias cell no one was there. I checked his cell number and it was the right cell. I called my dad and he became really upset with himself.

I walked out back to the front and saw jaden with a worried look on his face. I gave him a nod and he gave me a worried smile. I sat in the car thinking about what I was going to do.

Then it clicked. I have the address. I really dont know if its his address or someones random home but he told me to go there tomorrow so im doing that.

I drove there and once i got there I knocked on the door. A girl opened it.

"Yes?" The girl said with an attitude
"Uh I was told to come here" I say fiddling with my ring on my finger
"Alejandro!" She yelled

"What?" A boy said running up to her. He was around 5'8 and he had curly hair, tan, nice nose, and i could see his dimples as he chewed his gum.
"who are you?" The boy alejandro said

"Well I was told to come here so-"
"Oh there you are" mattia said with a smile

I gave him a smiled and he grabbed my hand and brought me upstairs. The house was really nice and themed white. The rooms were nice and big which I loved.

"So I see you came" he said sitting me on a bed " Yeah cause you told me too" I say

"True" he says sitting next to me "So you escaped from jail?" I say sounding clueless "Ofc i wasnt going to spend my life there" he smiled

Mattia looked really hot. He wasnt wearing a shirt, just sweats and I could see his somewhat of abs. He wasnt all that buff.

"Mattia so what am i doing here?" I say standing up
"Well i have something for you"
"Like what?"
"This. If you tell anyone where I am I will kill you, and your family. I leave every time someone that doesnt live here comes to visit. So think you can use the same address to get me arrested. Nope"

I laugh.

"Listen Mattia im not stupid. I know what you're capable of, and guess what? I dont care pretty boy" I said touching the small birth mark on his cheek. He yanks my hand down and pushes me on the bed.

"Touch me again and I'll slit your throat" he said in my ear very aggressively "do it, I dare you" he didnt move just was in the same spot.

I chuckled and pushed him off me. I walked downstairs got in my car and left back to my house.

gangster polibio 'mattia polibio'Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant