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maia pov
I didnt realized I had fell asleep and I see mattia next to me. he was laying on his stomach with his head on his arms.

I get up and wash my face. as I was washing my face I forgot mattia had told me that he sent me something.

I walked to the lobby area to get my mail and i see the lady that had given me my keys.

"Hey here for mail" the lady said "Yeah im apartment 87" I say "alr. Maia hill?" she said looking at my mail "yes thats me" I smile she hands me the mail and i go to the elevator

as i was in the elevator I was looking at the mail. it was a package and i could feel a little charm but couldnt make it all the way out

the elevator stopped on the 2 floor which meant someone was getting on. it was a boy that looked hot as fuck.

"hey" he nodded towards me "hi" I smile "you live around here?" he sparks a conversation 

"Yeah 3rd floor" I say pointing at the elevator doors "oh wow you look really pretty" he smile

"now you're lying. I just woke up and I look a mess" I say moving hair behind me ears "no actually you look nice. you single?" he chuckles

"thanks and yes I'm single. whats your name?" I asked "uh my name is Derek" he smiles "well im m-"

before i could finish the elevator doors open and I see mattia leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed

"hey babe" Mattia says approaching me

"I thought you were single" Derek said "I a-" I attempt to say "no she is not, she is lying because she is pregnant with my kid" mattia said moving me out the way

"sorry man I was just tryna talk to her" Derek said in defense "wrong girl" mattia said

i was really fucking pissed off. like I'm not pregnant with your kids and we are not together. that rule is only when we are near you dad and friends

"why would you do that?!" I say closing the door "because I can" he says sitting on my bed "no you can't!"

"who said?" he said looking at me "what?" "who said I cant do what i just did" " me! I said that! im not pregnant and we are not together!"

"to my dad and friends you are" he smiles "and that's it. to no one else!" i shout the last part

"eh. I dont listen to virgins" he sighs "I hate you" I roll my eyes "fine with me because I dont like you" he says standing off my bed

"then why are you here?" I sigh rubbing the bridge of my nose "because I wanted to sleep with you" he laughs "as in sex sleep with me?"

"some what yeah" he nods

I laugh in frustration and i tell him to get out. he gets out and I open the little thing he mailed me.

came with a note

▫maia this necklace is just for you to wear at the "shallet" it wear gangs meet up and have a nice time. I just wanted to write this before you jump into a conclusion like all girls do anyways here you go▫

it was a necklace that had "are daughters/sons" initials wrapped around are name. it was pretty cute and i actually liked it.

where a red mermaid dress when you come to the party

okay. I like the necklace

okay good when you come around my family make sure you wear it. I'll think about an excuse to say you are not pregnant

other than that you're good

read at 10:57am

i put on the necklace and idk where I was going to find a red mermaid dress but I'll ask Lilly. because her mom is a dress designer.

i sit on my bed and just listen to my hype up songs as I do my make up and hair for no reason

gangster polibio 'mattia polibio'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora