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Chapter 12

"So when I'm gone, when I'm gone
I'll be right there, close to the sun.
Keep holding on, keep holding on
And I'll be right there, close to the sun."

As they raced through the infinity castle, Gyomei shouted, "Kibutsuji's nearby! Don't let your guard down!" Muichiro and Miyoshi agreed quickly. Suddenly, a wall slammed into Muichiro and Miyoshi, pushing them towards another platform. They were separated from Gyomei and fell into a room. Waiting for them there was a demon with 6 eyes.

Upper rank one.

Upper rank one looked at them curiously and said, "Hm? You two...seem familiar." As the siblings stood facing him, he continued, "Hmm, I figured...I see now..." he trailed off, studying them further. Miyoshi tried to grip onto her sword but her her fingers wouldn't stop shaking, and her palms were sweaty. She glanced and Muichiro and saw his trembling hand.

Upper rank one started speaking again, "Your name, what is it?" He directed the question to Muichiro, so Miyoshi kept quiet. Muichiro told him his name, but Miyoshi could hear a tremor in his voice. Upper rank looked disappointed, and said, "You two, are members of the Tsugikuni family...that I left behind. My child's descendents...so you are my offspring. Muichiro looked shocked for a split second, but calmed himself down almost immediately, but Miyoshi couldn't stop trembling, trembling, trembling.

How could she be related to such a horrible man?

Before she could think further, Muichiro charged forward and lashed out at Upper rank one with mist breathing, second form. However, the attack didn't do anything to him at all, and he attacked again, but missed once more.

(even though Kokushibo haven't introduced himself yet I will just use his name from now)

"Muichiro...so you are fourteen this year," Kokushibo started, (yEs he is FOURTEEN WHY MUST YOU KILL HIM) "And your technique is this refined at your age...despite faltering against me, you had the courage to supress that order to cut me down. As I expected from my descendant...my blood may have been watered down a lot, but that's trivial... even if my name has died out, my cells increased and remained in you..."

"Are you joking with me?" Muichiro countered, "Even if I am your descendant, if hundreds of years have passed, not even a single cell or drop of blood remains inside my body at this point." Miyoshi watched in awe as his demon slayer marks appeared on his face. While Kokushibo was distracted with Muichiro, Miyoshi decided not to take the moment for granted and sneaked closer to Kokushibo.

Muichiro leaped forward with the seventh form of mist breathing, causing the whole place to be enveloped in mist. He came very close in cutting off Kokushibo's head but still failed, though the latter remarked his technique was quite interesting. Kokushibo finally unsheathed his blade and slashed at Muichiro with it. Just as Muichiro's hand was about to be sliced off, Miyoshi came out from the mist and deflected the attack, causing their blade to clang together.

"Hmm... another one, I see." Kokushibo muttered as Miyoshi and Muichiro ducked into the mist again. They marvelled at the breath of the moon and its speed, but they did not falter. Muichiro charged forward again, about to use his advection slash but to him and Miyoshi's horror, Kokushibo grabbed his blade and stabbed it into Muichiro's flesh, near his collarbone. Muichiro gritted his teeth in pain and Miyoshi stifled her scream. Her eyes filled with tears as Kokushibo asked Muichiro to become a demon, and even though he helped Muichiro stop the bleeding of his wound, all Miyoshi felt was pure disgust.

Before Muichiro could reply, Genya appeared from behind a pillar and shot at Kokushibo. However, before the bullet could even hit him, Kokushibo appeared behind Genya. In the blink of an eye, Genya's arm was severed and Muichiro yelled desperately, trying to yank the sword out of his body. Miyoshi sprinted from pillar to pillar with agile, but she was too late. Genya's body was split into two horizontally and he groaned, trying to crawl away from Kokushibo.

Before Kokushitbo (oops, I meant kokushibo. totally typed that accidentally) could slice Genya's head off, his attack was deflected by Sanemi. He had come in time to save his brother. Sanemi said something to Genya that made his tears flow out of his eyes uncontrollably. Sanemi lashed out at Kokushibo with an attack and mocked his blade, which was quite disgusting. There are eyeballs on it!!!

Miyoshi rushed towards Muichiro, who begged her, "M-miyoshi-san, please, I don't care if it hurts. Get it out..." He pointed to his sword stuck in his body, the cloth Kokushibo used to "stop" the bleeding soaked with blood. Miyoshi took a deep breath and pulled the blade out as quickly as she could. Muichiro slid to the ground weakly and pressed on his wound, but it did not help much. Soon, Gyomei arrived too, helping Sanemi in their fight. Muichiro told Miyoshi as she stood up shakily, "I am in a horrible condition...if I am going to die anyways, I might as well die after doing something useful!" Miyoshi knew her brother was going to sacrifice himself and even though its selfish, she silently hoped he wouldn't.

They rushed forward towards Genya, who was still on the ground. Miyoshi fed him some of Kokushibo's hair while Muichiro carefully joined his body back together. They rushed towards the area where Sanemi and Gyomei were fighting and Muichiro lunged forward to pull Sanemi out of the way just before he could receive a fatal blow from Kokushibo. "I am going to get into his range!" Muichiro told Miyoshi before ducking and dodging all of Kokushibo's attacks, managing to get closer to him.

Gyomei swung with precise and accuracy, smashing off a part of Kokushibo's back, causing him to turn back in surprise. Before he could react, Muichiro jumped forward and stabbed his sword deep into Kokushibo's waist. As the demon looked at the sword stuck through his body, Genya immediately fired his gun, and Kokushibo barely managed to avoid it. The bullets turned into trees and its roots tangled around Kokushibo, pulling Muichiro in as well.

Muichiro knew he must do something, anything to weaken Kokushibo. He gripped his sword so tightly that his knuckles turned white. To his surprise, his sword started to turn a colour of deep red. He watched as Kokushibo growled in pain while trying to block the attacks from the pillars.

Suddenly, Kokushibo seemed to remember something and roared louder than a lion, swinging his sword around furiously. As Muichiro watched the sword come nearer and nearer to him, he was sure that was it for him. He prepared for the pain when someone jumped infront of him, blocking the attack with their body. The person grabbed his hand and he broke free from his grip, rolling away from their enemy.

As Muichiro slowly came to a stop, he stood up shakily and looked down. Lying in a pool of blood was Miyoshi, her torso slashed so deeply that all he could see is blood. "NO!" Muichiro yelled and wobbled so hard, he fell on his knees. "M-muichiro..." Miyoshi said weakly.

HELLO!!! the next chapter would probably be the last 😳😳😳 okie thank you SO much for reading and also ty in advance for the votes! yikes don't kill me for the ending

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