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Muichiro: 14

Miyoshi: 13

It had been a year or more since Miyoshi and Muichiro had joined the demon slayer corps and their skills improved tremendously. However, Miyoshi was still not having any luck with helping Muichiro regain his memories. Seeing how desperate Miyoshi was, Oyakata-sama decided to send them on a mission together to decapitate some demons (but also for them to bond)

"Caw! Caw! You have a mission with Muichiro Tokito!!!" Miyoshi's crow screeched into her ear, causing her to jump in fright. She was about to reprimand her crow for yelling into her ear when she processed what it had said. "Wait. Wait....what?!? I have a mission with nii-san...well, that is good." She mumbled to herself as she prepared to meet Muichiro at their meeting spot.


"What took you so long?" Muichiro said impatiently as Miyoshi scurried to where he was standing. Miyoshi rolled her eyes since she wasn't late at all. They scanned their surroundings, and they were in an empty village. The houses were deserted and stained with blood, and Miyoshi could sense that some thing was very wrong.

They agreed to split up in two directions and Miyoshi headed to an empty looking house. She stepped inside and heard someone crying softly. Miyoshi walked towards the direction of the sound, reaching a room isolated from sunlight and saw a little girl crying, her face buried in her arms. Miyoshi walked towards her, trying to comfort her. However, the little girl saw her sharp looking sword and shrieked, "Don't kill me!"

Miyoshi placed her sword on the ground to not frighten the little girl and gently patted her back. Suddenly, the girl laughed menacingly, "Haha, you demon slayers always fall for this trick!" The girl morphed into a disgusting looking demon, her brown eyes becoming bright red and her hair turned into gruesome tentacles. Miyoshi tried reaching from her sword, which was some distance away from her but it was too late— the demon stuck her tentacles into Miyoshi's leg and she screamed in pain.

Miyoshi gritted her teeth in pain and (somehow) managed to kick the demon off her. She grabbed her sword and got into her fighting stance. "Uh uh, I wouldn't fight if I were in your state. The poison from my tentacles would have circulated throughout your entire leg by now." The demon cackled. What she didn't know is that Miyoshi had used her breathing technique to slow down the spread of the poison. "Mist Breathing Sixth Form — Moonlit mist!" She yelled as she leaped into the air, remembering the tips Muichiro had given her.

Miyoshi flew gracefully through the air, avoiding all the tentacles of the demon, and lastly slicing off her head. "How did you..." the demon said as her head slid of the stump of her neck slowly.

As the demon's head disintegrated slowly, Miyoshi stumbled across the room. The poison had circulated itself up her leg and the agony was almost unbearable. "I... have... to get to... Muichiro..." Miyoshi stuttered as she collapsed, her world fading to black.

Muichiro POV

Muichiro walked around the deserted village, kicking pebbles as he walked. Other than a few really weak demons which he dealt with quickly, there were nothing interesting. "Hmm, I should go and find...Miyoshi? Is that her name?" He nodded to himself. For some reason unknown, he felt a strong bond between him and Miyoshi. He thought of her mint green eyes, her hair. It really resembled him and he found her familiar as well. Suddenly, a scream echoed through the village, and Muichiro looked around in alarm.

It must be Miyoshi! Muichiro thought as he raced towards the house he saw Miyoshi enter not long ago. As he reached the house, he slammed open the front door and entered, picking up the smell of fresh blood. He walked towards the room where the scent is coming from cautiously...

When he entered, he gasped when he saw Miyoshi, lying on the ground, her leg bleeding profusely. The blood vessels that could be seen faintly were black from the poison. Muichiro turned and saw a body without its head slowly disintegrating, its hands still trying to reach for Miyoshi. He kicked them away and tore off a piece of his uniform's fabric to wrap around her leg. Then, he carried her on his back and rushed back to get help.

As Muichiro was racing back to the butterfly estate, which was quite far away, a voice rang through his head. "Nii-san! Could you carry me?" Muichiro's eyes widened in surprise as he turned to look at Miyoshi, but she was still unconscious. He pretended not to have not heard the voice as he quickened his pace back...


hi yall i probably wouldn't be updating as often since my huge national exam is coming up soon and i performed worse than shinobu during an arm wrestling contest for one of my subjects😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔

siblings forever 💕 muichiro x reader fanfic!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum