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When Alice woke up from her nap on her couch it was confusing.

Where was she?

Who was she?

But it all made a little more sense when she saw her kitchen.

It was only three pm so she still had a lot of time and decided that instead of going to the gym, she would sort her clothes and take them to the sway house, maybe someone wanted something.

The things she didn't want anymore were mostly crop-tops and jeans but she still kept some of them, just in case.

Before she got to her car Alice texted Jaden to make sure that they were home, and they were. 


The door wasn't locked so Alice just walked in and saw Bryce, Josh, and Jaden on a couch, filming what seemed another TeaTok.

Not wanting to disturb them, she put the few boxes down as quietly as she could.

"Now that Kio's here, Alice is here too!"

"Come say Hi."

Alice originally just wanted to wave in front of the camera and then walk off again but Jaden pulled her on his lap and adjusted her so that her body was positioned between him and Josh.

"I feel like a child Jaden."

"Yeah, you also look like a child with those short legs."

"Your girlfriend's legs, aren't longer, Richards!"

"That is true, she has a point."

"Anyways, back to the video!"

"Right, where was I. I wasn't even mad, bro. It's just social media made it seem like I was so mad. But like no, I just woke up and they were gone. That was literally it."

"Yeah even when we apologized he said that. And we were like 'Yeah we get it but Social media makes everything seem more. For all of ya who did that, Thank you! We appreciate that."

"I wasn't mad at all."

"Even if he was mad, it was still kinda shitty."

"It was like you guys making content in Texas and I was making content in the house. People were like: Wait, why aren't you in Texas? And I was like: I just woke up and they were gone, like no big deal, I don't care. I wasn't going anyways."

"He didn't even start this!"

Alice kind of zoned out a little and played with Jaden's hood that he had still over his head, until he took her hands and just held them on her lap.

When Kio left, there was now more space on the couch.

"You wanna stay?"

"I have to find Ant. I sorted out clothes."

"Neat can we look through them too."

"Sure but please don't rip anything Bryce."

With that she stood up after Jaden patted her sides, making her giggle.

Alice went up a flight of stairs but when she heard "Coming out" she used the chance and ran back, nearly falling over Jaden's feet.

"Oh sorry. I don't want to take away this person's moment, but speaking of coming out: I am Pansexual."

The three boys behind her started clapping and screaming.

"Okay, we'll talk about this dude really fast, you find Anthony and then we're gonna talk about you."

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