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"How are you this cute"

Alice laughed while walking into her sister's open arms cuddling with her for a short while.

"What movie should we pick?"

People shouted ideas but to be honest, Alice didn't care. She was happy and tired. After a few minutes of arguing they picked a movie and made seating arrangements.

Alice helped Anthony to bring the snacks and the drinks to the room.

Jaden took the glasses, that she was balancing from her so that she could get a better grip around the bottles of soda.

"Oh we forgot to tell you, we ordered food, we just got a lot so you can just eat what you like." Alice nodded, she wasn't that hungry but what she was, was thirsty.

As if Addie knew it, she gave her a bottle of water. Suddenly everybody stood up, ready to change seats, again.

The couples obviously sat together, so did Bryce and Addie, while Alice stuck to Charli and Kio. Josh and Jaden sat together on a different couch.

They were watching "black panther" and Alice really loved that film, so much that she was able to quote a few lines.

When she did that Charli and Kio laughed at her, because she didn't even register them, she was so focused on the movie.

When the doorbell rang Anthony literally raced Kio to the door. They came back with an enormous amount of food.

Kio claimed fries and Charli got herself noodles and took two forks so that she could share with the small girl.

Alice thankfully smiled at her new friends, she may only knew them for a day and a half but she was insanely happy and she liked them a lot.

During the next movies, she cuddled with Charli while eating slowly and sharing a blanket with Kio. After like three movies Bryce stood up.

"Hey guys, do you want to like, hang out on the balcony?"

Deciding that they could all use the fresh air they went outside, grabbing pillows and blankets. The sky was clear and they were able to see the stars after Anthony had turned off the lights. There was still some food with them so they were always eating when they felt like it.

Alice hugged her sister closer to her while her head laid in Avani's lap who was sitting on Anthony's.

It basically was a pile of human beings.

They talked for a while, some just listened like Kio or some told funny stories like Dixie.

Alice was exhausted.

She was exhausted from moving, swimming, crying and her full stomach didn't make her feel awake. She was slowly dozing off on Avani's lap when Anthony decided that he wanted to go for a walk.

His girlfriend as well as Dixie and Griffin, joined him. Alice now didn't have a pillow anymore and Addison was getting closer to Bryce.

It wasn't too obvious because they both moved only a little like once every ten minutes. But since Addie was sharing a blanket with her sister, Alice noticed, she was getting colder every time the blonde moved, because she took the blanket with her.

At some point, Alice decided, that she would leave Addie and Bryce alone and sat with the other boys. Jaden and Josh made space between them so that Alice could take place beneath the blanket as well.

"Do you like them together?"

"I do!"

"Me too Kio. What about you Alice?"

Alice looked back at her sister and Bryce. Addison smiled at her while blushing and Bryce winked at her.

"I'm not too sure, to be honest. They make each other happy but I think both of them would get jealous too fast. Addie told me a lot about him on the phone. Maybe, when he matures a little there is a good chance for them."

"You my young lady, are very wise" Alice blushed like a little girl at Jaden's words. Being called cute is too much for her, how was she supposed to handle, being called wise and young, when in comparison she was older.

Josh's phone gave the signal, that he got a text. He squealed excitedly when he looked at it.

Jaden and Kio didn't even react to it, they just sat there. When Josh noticed Allie's face he laughed.

"My girlfriend, Nessa, just told me that she is coming here in two days!"

Jaden gave him a high five while smirking. "Do I need to look for a place to sleep?"

"It honestly might be better."

Kio was now laughing as well and it didn't stop when he saw Alice's face, which was even more confused.

"Jaden and Josh share a room,"

"I still don't understand"

"I asked if I should look for a place to sleep so that-"

"So that Nessa and Josh can fuck!" Addison slapped Bryce's bicep and laughed with the others.

The blood rushed to Alice's face a lot faster than before while she tried to hide her face in her hoodie, well Jaden's hoodie.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"You're fine Alice honestly. It's refreshing to be around somebody innocent."

"Let's see how long her innocence will last with us."


"Not like that, but when she is constantly around us, she won't be so naïve and closed off. Like, she will understand innuendos."

The two groups went back to their own conversations after a short moment.

"Hey, Jaden?"


"If you would like, you could stay with me when Nessa is here. I mean like you have enough couches here but maybe li- "

"I would like that actually." The older girl smiled satisfied and leaned back onto her hands.

"Allie do you have something planned for the next weeks?"

"Well, I want to look for a job."

"Really? As what?"

"Maybe a Barista or, maybe a barista or waitress. I mean I make enough money to come by with my art but I would like some extra, ya' know?"

"Hey, that café where we ate while you were getting your key is cute."

"Yeah, that is the first place that I wanted to look at."

"Anything else planned?"

"Well, it seems like Jaden wants to come over when Nessa is here. Maybe get my hair done, I want something different."

"Maybe you should dye it blonde."

"Really? Blonde?" Jaden nodded along with Kio.

"Yeah, you'd look bomb with it."

"Okay, so I will have to look for hairdressers in my area and get an appointment."

"We have a friend that is a trained hairstylist, we can just call him over and he will do it, probably costs a lot less."

"That'd be awesome if you could text him or anything."

"Sure. I have a feeling, that tomorrow is going to be fun."

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