Chapter 25

107 2 8

August 22, 3:45 AM

(A/N): suprise female dogs early update-

I can't sleep. I haven't eaten anything. Paranoia is flooding my thoughts. I'm terrified of the thought of that disgusting man coming back. He won't. He won't come back. He can't. Toby is right beside me. You're fine, (Y/N). You're okay. Despite those thoughts, I am still afraid.

Toby let me sleep in his bed with him because I was deathly afraid. He fell asleep quickly. I, on the other hand, didn't. I lay there, the silence consuming me. I roll over to face Toby's sleeping form, and hug him. He stirs a little and hugs me back, but doesn't wake up. I sigh in relief and close my eyes. Maybe I can fall asleep.

· · ·

I somehow managed to fall asleep. When I wake up, Toby isn't lying next to me. Where is he? I stand up and walk downstairs. I smell a beautiful aroma coming from the kitchen.

"Do I smell bacon?" I ask Masky, who is standing by the seldom used stove. He turned to me, chuckling slightly.

"Yes you do," he says, leaning on the counter. "Want some?"

"Yes, please!" I say with a smile. Masky hands me a plate with bacon, eggs, and toast on it. "What's the occasion?" I ask.

"Oh it's nothing! I just felt like cooking something nice!" I giggled, sitting down on the couch and starting to eat.

"By the way, where's Toby?" I asked after finishing chewing. Masky started a response, but was cut off by the door opening. Standing in the doorway was a brown haired boy... Covered in blood.

My eyes widen and I back up away from the boy... Toby. "(Y/N)?!" He asks, quickly pulling down his blood covered goggles and mask. His eyes are as wide as mine. "This- It's not what it looks like!" I shake my head and back further into the back of the couch. "(Y/N)... Princess... Please..." He reaches his bloodied glove out and touches my face. I am completely frozen. Toby sees the terrified look on my face and retracts his hand. "I-I'm sorry I-"

"I dated a murderer..." I whispered. Toby stepped back and I saw tears start to form in his eyes. "I should have known... This is why we had to use fake identities, isn't it? And why you were always disappearing... And why you threatened me on my second day here... It-it all makes sense now... And I assume you're a murderer too, Masky? So is Hoodie... And Kate..." I give up. I bury my head in my knees and cry. Arms wrap around me, causing me to freeze.

"I really love you, (Y/N)... I killed the man who kidnapped you... Please believe me..." Toby sniffles, burying his head in the crook of my neck.

"Stop... Please..." I whisper, scared for my life. Toby lets go of me and stands up. I glance at him and see tears running down his face.

"I'm so sorry..." He whispers. I say nothing and stand up. I continue being silent and I  dash out of the still open door as fast as I can. "(Y/N)!" I hear Toby call after me. "Wait!" I hear footsteps gaining on me and I push myself to run faster. Out of instinct, I stupidly run to the treehouse. As soon as I see the ladder, I realize my mistake. I decide to climb the ladder as fast as I can. When I reach the top, I pull up the ladder and collapse to the floor. Tears stream down my face as I curl up into a ball.

"(Y/N)!" Toby calls from the bottom of the tree. "I just want to talk! Please?!" I don't respond. "(Y/N)..?" He doesn't say any more.

A couple minutes pass. My face is soaked with tears and I'm curled up next to the bookshelf with my head in my knees.


My head whips up and I see Toby by the door. His eyes meet mine. There are tears flowing down his face. I back impossibly further into the corner.

"(Y/N)... Please... I love you... I killed the man who tried to hurt you..." I shake my head, still terrified. Toby walks towards me and cups my face with his hand. "(Y/N)..." I shove his hand away.

"Don't touch me..." I try to sound tough, but it comes out in a whimper. Toby backs away from me and looks at his gloves, which are still covered in blood.

"What have I done..?" He whispers, before quickly jumping back out of the door.

· · ·

I close Wattpad, getting bored of writing, and open tiktok. After a few minutes of scrolling, I come across this tiktok:

I almost end my book right then and there, but i keep scrolling, because laziness. Then i come across this tiktok:

I get conflicted and decide to put my story on hold while I assess the situation.

Stutters (Ticci Toby × Reader) !COMPLETED!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin