Chapter 19

141 5 74

June 18, 2:18 AM

Do you know what he's doing, Aaren?
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
I might...
Well... I'm just going to be blunt... He's killing people...
W-what?! W-why?! Why would he ki-kill?!
His boss makes him. But I think he likes doing it.
N-no! He's not killing! And if he is, he doesn't like it!
He killed his dad without anyone telling him to.
Well his dad was a piece of shit!
So was your mom! But you didn't kill her! She even killed your brother!
That doesn't matter!
Yes it does, (Y/N)! Are you really so stupid that you can't connect the dots?!
(Y/N), I'm sorry...
Please... I'm really sorry... I-I didn't mean it... You're not stupid...
If anything I'm the stupid one! Anyone would be stupid for thinking that you're stupid!
I'm going to wake up now...
Wait! (Y/N) no-

My eyes fly open and immediately sit up. I scan the room and see a figure slumped over in the corner by the bookshelf. I blink a few times to make my eyes adjust to the dim lighting. The hunched figure, who I realise is a male, has brown hair and is wearing a hoodie and jeans. Toby..? Toby! Wait... What if what Aaren said was true? If it is, he could kill me at any moment! Wait... How would he know that Toby was killing?

A groan comes from Toby and I freeze. "(Y/N)?" He asks groggily.


"Morning..." He mumbles.

I sigh. "Toby? You want a blanket?" Toby hums a response. What did I expect? But he doesn't look comfortable... I crawl over to him. "Toby? Toby. Toby. Hey. Hey Toby. Toby. Hey."

Toby groans. "Yeah?"

"You should lay down. You don't look comfortable," I say.

"Okay..." Toby sits up and starts to crawl over to the bed. When he gets there, he flops on the middle of the bed and falls asleep almost instantly. I chuckle quietly and put a blanket over him.

I go over to the bookshelf and grab the radio off of the top shelf. I set it on the floor and turn it on, before hastily turning the volume down.

I yawn. I'm still tired... Maybe I should go back to sleep... The soft music fills my ears as I drift into a dreamland.

· · ·

I stare at (Y/N)'s sleeping form curled up in front of the bookshelf; her peaceful face partly covered by her short and tangled (H/C) hair, her (F/C) hoodie dirty. The music that I assume she played last night fills my ears. Why did she let me take the bed?

(Y/N) stirs in her sleep, but she doesn't wake up. I smile slightly and look outside. 4:30. I guess I can get up. I stand up and walk over to (Y/N), then I pick her up and set her on the makeshift bed. I admire her resting features for a second more, before walking to the ladder and climbing down.

· · ·

Okay... I'm so-

My eyes fly open and I jolt up. I am back on the bed and no one else is in the tree house. The music is still playing.

Toby must have put me back on here...
He did.
Don't talk to me...
(Y/N) please...
You called me stupid.
I didn't mean-
I don't care if you meant to or not. You still called me stupid.
Okay... I'm sorry... I'll stop talking...

I stand up and turn the music off. I wonder where Toby is... I stand up and walk over to the entrance to the tree house, before sitting down again with my legs dangling over the edge. I gaze into the bright green forest, listening to the leaves rustling and the animals chattering.

Stutters (Ticci Toby × Reader) !COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now