Chapter 6

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July 14, 5:43 AM

I groggily open my eyes. Where am I?! I think. But then I remember I am at Masky's house. Why did I have to wake up? I sit up, only to be pushed against the back of the couch and something held against my throat. I let out a squeak and try to look at the person.

He has brown hair, goggles and a mask, a striped hoodie, and is holding what seems to be some sort of axe to my throat.

"What are you d-doing here?" He asks. I noticed his head twitched when he stuttered. Odd... "Answer me!"

"Uhh- I-I- well you see- I guess- but-"

"Toby, lay off," a voice says from the stairs. We both quickly turn to look at the sound. Masky is at the bottom of the stairs leaning on the wall. His mask is off! Wait... So is his shirt...

I take this opportunity to get a look at his face. He has brown eyes, sideburns, and clear skin.

"What is a girl doing in our house?!" The person aperently named Toby asks angrily. So this is the Toby! One of Masky's 'roomates'... Why is he threatening me with some sort of axe?! I think it's called a hatchet, isn't it?

"She lost the only person she cared about; her twin brother. Her mother of all people killed him." Masky says, still leaning on the wall. "Now her mom's in jail. She has no one."

"That's n-no excuse! She's not aloud here!" His head twitched again... And there was a crack this time... Strange...

"Just-" Masky sighs. "Don't tell Slenderman, okay?" Who's Slenderman?

"Why shouldn't I tell him? Why shouldn't I go find him and tell him you brought a girl into our house?!"

"If you're implying what I think you are, it's a no. She's your age, Toby."

"W-who's Slenderman..?" I ask quietly. Toby's head snaps towards me.

"Quiet!" He yells at me. My eyes go wide and I sink as far back as I can into the couch.

"She doesn't like yelling," Masky explains.

"Pathetic wimp..." Toby growls as he gets away from me. He storms upstairs and mutters something to Masky.

"It's okay," he says as he walks over to me. "Toby has... Trust issues I guess. He doesn't handle well with strangers." I nod my head. "I'll be right back."

He walks up the stairs while I just sit there dumbfounded. What just happened? I got threatened by a boy who's aperently around my age... One of Masky's roommates? Why did he threaten me? Ugh, I'm so confused... Maybe a walk would help. I should ask Masky first though.

I hear talking from upstairs but can only make out bits and pieces.


"-hard time-"




I give up trying to make out the words, and stare out of the window behind the couch. What was that? Probably just my imagination... I haven't gotten much sleep these past few days... There it is again! What is it? It's... Tall... Extremely tall...

I hear footsteps on the stairs, so I look over. Masky is coming down fully clothed and his mask on.

"Hey, Masky?"


"Can we go and get my clothes? This wetsuit isn't the most comfortable thing in the world..."

"Sure. Follow me," he says, walking towards the door. I jump up to follow him, but pause and grab my backpack. Meanwhile, Masky pulls out a cigarette and lights it. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and Masky leads me out of the door.

· · ·

I lead (Y/N) to her house, which was bordered by yellow caution tape, but (Y/N) ignores it and ducks under; so do I. She heads inside with no hesitation and I follow suit. I wait by the front door and watch her go up the stairs.

I take another puff of my cigarette and throw it outside. (Y/N) comes down, her backpack full.

"Let's go," she says. I nod and we start walking back to the place me and the other proxies call home.

· · ·

I walk in the door behind Masky, and sit myself down on the couch. "The bathroom is over there. You can change." He gestured to a door next to the stairs. I nod and walk over to the door with my backpack.

I open the door and my eyes go wide. Another pair of wide eyes stares back at me. I slam the door shut and run over to the couch, burying my head in my knees.

"What happened?" Masky asks. I peek up. Then the bathroom door opens, answering his question. Masky mutters a curse and Toby storms upstairs, a towel the only thing covering him. "Well you can change now I guess... I didn't know he was in there..." He mutters.

I go inside the bathroom and close the door. I unzip my backpack and pull out some clothes; the clothes are in a different pocket than the food I took from my house. A black t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and a (F/C) hoodie.

I walk out of the bathroom, backpack slung over my shoulder, over to the couch and set it down.

"Masky, can I take a walk?" I ask him.  He pauses.

"I don't think that's the best idea..."

"Oh... Okay..." I say, not wanting to anger him. "I saw something outside," I say abruptly.

He seems suprised. "What did you see?" He asks me, nervousness laced his voice.

"I-I'm not sure... It was tall... And thin... I'm not sure. It-it was probably my imagination."

He nodded. "Okay," he says smoothly before walking upstairs to his room. What to do... Oh! My phone! I look in the front pocket of my backpack. Yes! My charger is in here too! I grab my phone out first and try to turn it on. It's dead... I should look for an outlet...

I scan the room, but don't see anything. Because I don't want to move, I give up. I could go to sleep. Yeah! That's what I'll do! I put my phone away in my backpack, and curl up in a ball with the blanket that I used last night, quickly falling asleep.

· · ·

I walk down the stairs to see (Y/N) curled up sleeping on the couch. I scoff. I can't believe Masky is letting her stay here. I look at her closer. She is kind of cute when she's sleeping... Wait- what?! Snap out of it Toby!

I shake my head and stomp outside. I really need to clear my head...

Stutters (Ticci Toby × Reader) !COMPLETED!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu