Chapter 5

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July 13, 10:30 PM

After talking to the police, I hop in one of the police cars and we speed off to the hospital. All I can think about is Sammy and wonder if he'll be okay. Then my mind flashes to Masky.

I'll come soon...
Why should you?
Aaren? Where have you been?
Well for one, your masked friend doesn't let me talk.
What do you mean?
I don't know! I just can't communicate with you around him!
Ugh. Well that's useful.
So... Sammy?
I'm sorry, (Y/N)...
It's okay... Its not your fault...
I'm just so so sorry for not being there for you... If I'm going to be in your head I might as well offer moral support!
Yeah... Thanks Aaren...
You're welcome.

After an excruciatingly long ride, we arrive at the hospital. I am in such a rush, that the officers have to remind me that Sammy is going under extensive emergency surgery.

We enter the building and I am led to the waiting room. After about thirty minutes, a nurse walks in. "(Y/N) (L/N)?" I shoot up. "Follow me."

"Did he live?" I ask her frantically. She shakes her head sadly.

"I'm so so sorry (Y/N)... He did not make it. But he's all cleaned up if you want to see him." Tears well up in my eyes as I shakily nod my head. "Follow me."

We walk down the hallway, twisting this way and that, until we reach a room. The nurse nods her head towards the door, so I hesitantly walk in. On the bed is a figure covered by a blanket. I run up to the bed and tug the blanket off.

Lying there is a (H/C) haired boy with his eyes closed. You can barely see his hair though, as his head is wrapped in bandages. I drop to my knees and let out a sob. Sammy... Why? I HATE YOU MOM! I HATE YOU SO SO SO MUTCH! WHY?! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!
(Y/N) calm down...
"She took away the only person that I love..." I stand up and give Sammy one last hug.

"I have to go..." I mutter, pushing past the nurse and ignoring Aaren. I follow the signs and reach the exit. My home is only about a mile and a half away, so I walk, still in my wetsuit. I walk for about 10 minutes until I finally reach my house. The yard is bordered with yellow caution tape. I duck under it and go inside the house. No one is inside, so I head upstairs.

I go to my bedroom to grab a few sentimental items. A watch, a rock, and a book. It's only then that I realise I am starving; I haven't eaten all day. I head downstairs, the items still in my arms, and go to the fridge. I look inside and see a couple packs of beer, a couple half dranken bottles of wine, a head of lettuce, a bag of cheese, milk that's 3 weeks expired, and a couple apples that haven't quite rotted yet.

I take the apples and the cheese, and struggle outside. I reach my car and open the door which was unlocked. I grab my bag and put my items in. I sling it over my shoulder and glance at the house one last time, before taking off into the woods.

· · ·

I walk out of the large two story log cabin and towards the treeline nearest to (Y/N)'s house. I get there quick enough.


"Owww!" A girl yells. I look down to see (Y/N) on the ground rubbing her head. I hold out a hand for her and she seems startled by it, but she takes it.

"Are you okay?" I ask when she's steady on her feet.

"Physically? I'm fine. Mentally? I'm having an inner melt down." I look of concern crosses my face, but she can't see it because of my mask.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). Walk with me?" She nods and we start into the forest. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her.

She shrugs. "N-not really..." I nod and we continue walking in silence.

When we reach our destination, a mix of confusion and amazement crosses her face. "I-is this your's?"

I chuckle, "Kind of..." I motion for her to follow me inside. Thank Zalgo no one's home for a while. I would have been dead. Someone would have told Boss and he would have killed me.

"Do you live with anyone else?" (Y/N) asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes. Three other people." I say. "You can sleep on the couch. All the other rooms belong to my- roommates..." I say, trying to avoid any suspicion.

"Roommates? Who are your roommates?" She asks, inching over towards the couch and eventually sitting on it.

"Well..." I say, trying to think about how much information I can give away. "Brian, Toby, Kate, and I all live here."

"Who are Brian, Toby, and Kate?" She asks, her eyes full of curiosity.

"That's- I can't tell you that..." I say, worried that she won't stop asking me.

She looks down at her lap. "O-okay..." Well that was easy. I think. She takes off he backpack and sets it on the floor. "Can we get cloths in the morning? I'm really tired." She yawns, further proving her point.

"Sure," I say. "Goodnight, (Y/N)."

"Night Masky," she says, yawning again. She seems to fall asleep quickly, so I go upstairs and into my room. Instead of going to my bed like I wanted to, I went to my closet and pulled out a blanket. It's scratchy, but it will do.

I walk downstairs and over to (Y/N). I lay the blacket over top of her, and leave to my bedroom, turning off the lights on the way.

When I'm in my room, I take off my mask, change my pants and take off my shirt. I crawl into bed and turn the lamp off, quickly faling asleep.

· · ·

I thought you couldn't talk around Masky!
Maybe not when you're conscious...
So I'm asleep?
Okay... Now what?
We're going to talk about how to get away from here.
Why would I want to get away from here?
I don't trust your masked friend...
Whatever. We need to get out of here.
Maybe you do. But I'm staying here. I have nowhere better to go!
What about your uncle? The one who gave you the sapphire?
He lives across the country...
Okay what about your aunt that lives like ten minutes away from here? She gave you the watch, right?
Yeah... But she doesn't like me much anymore...
Okay fine! What about the book? Who gave you that?
M-my mom...
I have nowhere else to go, Aaren!
Still! We need to get out of here!
Masky has been nothing but nice. I can't just run off like that. I need to repay him somehow...
You do?
Yes! I do! He has given me a place to sleep and more moral support than you have!
You know what? I'm done talking to you! Goodbye, (Y/N)...

Stutters (Ticci Toby × Reader) !COMPLETED!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن