I remember ( Letter 8)

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July 1982

It's been 2 years since my last letter to you. Military really has you held captivated don't they. My memory is finally restoring. They found a treatment that can help my brain restore damaged memory. I have had 8 surgeries in the last 2 years to help my brain restore. I remember small pieces of memories of  me going in a accident. Hazel is taken care of by the doctors all the time. I see her maybe every 2 weeks. It's a little heart breaking to see them take my baby from me. She's 4 in September. My baby is getting old Tom. Kinda getting pissed at you for not responding back. It's been years Tom....... am I not enough for you? You probably found another women to make a family with. I don't know why me and Hazel aren't enough? It's crazy because the doctors are reading the letters I'm sending you. Our privacy is being taken away and you won't even respond.  I just wanted to know you loved me. I hope you'll respond.

                                                                         Emily <3

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