Love and butterflies

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Yes. Romance. Welcome to La La Land!

And I can already feel you cringing you angst writers/readers! Also a certain someone said they're a sucker for romance so I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm looking at you, Reading_person.

Today's topic is divided into three parts. The first one will be the romance flow, right after it, we will have the immoral ships and last but not least we will have romance attempts that just don't make sense. Ready? Not yet? Meh. Let's go!

The flow

A romance starting between people who just met from the very first 3 chapters? Are you sure you wanna write that?

No. Please, don't. A romance shouldn't start until late chapters. Just think about it in real life, do people fall in love upon meeting each other or after two days? Don't you dare hit me with the "love at first sight" argument. Don't. You. Dare.

Can we also talk about people who kill the person the main oc is in love with?! How dare you. Just how dare you. I mean I do that too. BUT HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME WANT TO CRY AND HIT THE WALL. Whoever does that, you fucking sadist. I like you.

Okay, enough of the joking. Let's speak about romance itself in Naruto. It isn't that much present in the series. But it is soo present in the movies. (Naruhina)

What I want to say from that is that romance didn't occur in Naruto until their early twenties. I'm not saying your character shouldn't have a love interest until they are twenty. I'm just saying, please take your time. You're not followed by a train. Don't rush it.

Or! If you suck at romance like me, use timeskips to your advantage. Timeskip to where your oc and their partner already got lovey dovey.  Works every damn time. It might upset some readers but hey, at least their ship is sailing, right....right?

Suck it up, romance lovers! That shit needs time.

Immoral ships:

What is an immoral ship?

As its name, an immoral ship is one that defies our morals. That makes one question their morals. That usually occurs in fanfictions when you pair up a minor and an adult in a sexual relationship.

Cue, the one that annoys me a lot. Kakashi and his 11-14 year old oc student. Let me just tell you one thing:  No.

Please refrain from making great characters appear like pedophiles by pairing them up with young teenagers. It is not okay. Example of most used cc in these kind of immoral ships along with their age:

-Itachi. 21
-Orochimaru. 54
-Hidan. 22
-Sasori. 35
-Minato. 24
-Kisame. 33
-Kakashi. 29
-Yamato. 26
-Guy. 31

They are not children. They are grown men. And I am absolutely sure none of them would be interested in your 12 year old oc teenager.

My next point is one that doesn't need any explanation. Incest. Pairing up siblings is definitely not ok. Especially when it comes to Itachi and Sasuke. Or in multiple fanfictions in which one of them or both of them fall for their little sister. No. Just no. Hey, stay away from Alabama.

Romance plot and scenes:

Okay, let's start with the most cliché plot which, when you think about it, makes absolutely no sense.
The oc who just joined the village is sent to live with a cc of the opposite sex.  A common example of it is a female oc assigned to live with Neji, Naruto or Sasuke.

Do you honestly think the Third Hokage would be naïve enough to pair up two teens under the same roof living by themselves? Eh. Try again. Your oc would most likely be sent to live alone.

Okay, putting that aside. Let's really dig in. We'll start with the minors especially during the first part, Naruto. All within examples I read over and over again.

The oc and the interest sharing an 'innocent' bath together.

If you honestly think two people who are even slightly interested in each other can share a clean bath. Boy, you're so young.

The oc cooking for the int(interest).

It's actually really cute! And free food. Who wouldn't like free food? 100% great move. No complaints.

Getting assigned the same room to sleep in during a mission.

Lmao. Do you really think a jonin would put your oc and their interest on a room together for the night? Especially in countless stories in which the oc is to sleep in the same room as Sasuke during the Naruto Bridge arc. Let me just tell you, that won't happen. It's Kakashi we're talking about. Mega pervert? Jiraya's faithful follower? The guy who read Ich Icha paradise a hundred times? Yeah, don't worry, he won't make that mistake. Never.

The revealing outfit and this overused phrase "I clang to his side pressing my chest against his arm"

Your oc is 11 year old. One question please. WHAT CHEST. Anyway, that brings me back to the point of having little girls with curvy bodies of a woman in her 20-30s.

And finally, the adults.

Honestly, they're adults. I can't say much. Do whatever you want. Just one point and I don't know if I'm just weird but when an oc girl in her 20s gets shipped in the story with a cc over 30. It makes it seem for me like a sugar daddy- No? Just me? Alright.

Well, that was all. I'm gonna head to sleep now. See ya!


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