Gender and Appearance

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First of all, I will talk about two genders only. So anyone who believes in another existing gender, it is not meant as an offense.

Second of all, I'm back! To annihilate some mary/gary sues. Just kidding. I'm back to give you a good laugh and slight criticism.

Without further talking, let's go!



If I were to give a guess, I would say 96% of mc oc in the fan fictions are females.

I am not sure why male oc aren't as used as females. But I would like to see a male main character once in a while.

Apart from what I stated above, I think that is the only thing I find a bit odd in fanfics concerning gender.


Body shape:

My very first point would and advice would be :

Do not make your female character of the age of 12-13 have a developed curvy body of a full grown woman.

Sure, there are females with developed parts by that age but they are rare. And giving your character a set of a grown woman's parts really makes me wonder what kind of perfection the author is trying to convey to the readers.

No, a little girl cannot have Tsunade's breasts. Please stop desperately trying to make your teenager oc sexually appealing to the eye.

Most oc are described with a really long hair and fair skin, curvy.
Short hair, shoulder length hair as just as beautiful.

All skin colors are just as beautiful. I know most of the authors, if not all, never had a racist meaning behind it.
I am just reminding you guys that a tanned character is great looking.

Look at Octopus B. Sexy looking beast.

Just kidding around, but please do keep that in mind.

The shape of the body does not, in no way matter. A chubby fella is as cute as a slim one. So is a skinny fella. They're all got their own unique things. Besides, it makes your oc more memorable having them look different.

As for a really long hair, of course it is your oc's freedom to have her hair long or be a Rapunzel. However, if it has nothing to do with her kekkei genkai or any ability. Don't you think it would be a certain sort of weakness?

A nin would find it really easy to catch your oc with her having a long hair and pulling her down. Take an example from the tragic event that happened to Sakura. Though, if you really want to keep your character's hair long. Who am I to tell you not to? Feel free to. After all, Ino's hair is incredibly long and she's a loved character.


Most of the clothing female oc have are revealing. Having her shoulders showing, wearing shorts, v collar. It's all good, really. No one is complaining. What I'm talking about is wearing fishnets as a shirt, a top that shows almost all the cleavage, booty shorts. You get the idea.

The ninja world is a dangerous one. Having your character wear such clothing is highly inappropriate. Not for the other people or judgements, who cares about them? Your female oc has the freedom to wear what she wants in her village. But what I'm trying to say is it's dangerous in the eye of the enemy.

Having a female prisoner, especially an adult one might or might not result in sexual assaults varying from harmless catcalls to rape.

Please do not make the part above make you uncomfortable. It is only meant to prove a point.

A covered female character is exposed to that danger as well, however the incredibly revealing clothing rises the amount of risk.

The 'uniqueness':

Having a character with unique features is amazing! Makes them more memorable. However, having a character with features that may seem like they came from cupcake glitter land is just cringe.

Your character can have two, okay even three, colors in their hair as a natural color but unless they dyed it. No, Karen, your oc can't have a natural rainbow hair. My point is the special features you give your character are great yeah, but too much, it's no longer cute/pretty/amazing or whatever adjective that can be used. It's more of a mary sue alarm.


Thanks for hearing me out, till later.


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