Vocabulary choice

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Clans part 2 and 3 are taking a bit more than I expected. So to fill up the long wait, let's talk about vocabulary choice in Naruto fanfictions.

We will go over your own narrative vocabulary, characters' vocabulary in dialogues and finally an overall advice.

While narrating:

This part is dedicated to advanced writers.

I am very well aware that what I am about to say will contradict many writers' style. And probably get me some harsh feedback but hear me out first.

And I might be wrong of course. This book is only based on my personal experience and opinions I deduced from it.

I love it when I find a good story with advanced vocabulary, excellent grammar and all. However, I would like to remind you guys that your readers aren't all, I'm not sure which adjective to use, 'mature' enough to understand some words.

Naruto has a variety of viewers, each from different countries and have different ages. However, from what you have seen, many and by many I mean a massive amount of wattpad users who read fanfictions, especially ones about og animes like Naruto, One piece, Fullmetal Alchemist... belong to the age range 12-15 years old.

I'm not talking about people who are exceptionally good in english, but let's speak with logic. I'm very sure that 80% of those readers won't understand your fanfiction.

Also, keep in mind that you don't have to 'dumb' it down or something. Just use a less complicated vocabulary that would make the reader seek a dictionary every now and then. Probably drop some words here and there but not constantly using them in every sentence.

As always, you don't have to listen to me, of course. It's your fanfiction and your rules.

Characters' vocabulary:

Unless your character uses a keen vocabulary naturally, probably because they're a book worm or were influenced with a wise person or any other reason,  I don't really see how your 12 year old oc will be able to use words such as redundant, poignant, nonplussed, circumvent...

(Words I read from some fanfictions and were stuck in my mind.)

Just think back to when you were in that age, were you really able to use SAT level words? I highly doubt it.

So, unless your character is slightly older and wiser. Them talking in that certain manner just seems so illogical. I hope that made sense.


Showing your readers that you can use a really good vocabulary and have a great writing style is amazing! It makes some of us even more hooked to the story. However, for some, it actually makes them discouraged, especially people whose first language is not English.

Also, have I said that I hate the third hokage? Because I can't even BEGIN to describe how much I hate him.

Anyway, as I was saying, keep track of your character's age and the vocabulary they use.

And of course, if your fanfiction is aimed at people who are a tad more advanced, then it's your own freedom and choice, who am I to tell you not to?


Ps. I'll try my best to publish both remaining clans chapters before the new year. I have a really busy and heavy schedule so thank you for being such great people and bearing with me.

And Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. 🎊


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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