16. Peter the Jackass.

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16 // Peter the Jackass.

Wren Sommers lay on the ground, unmoving and untouched. Like the most of the young girl's life, there just wasn't anyone to help her up. But this time, she wasn't able to work it out by herself, and so there she stayed, looking the most peaceful she had ever been in her life, as her chest moved too slowly up and down, and her white sundress stained red.


"Oh, Liam go home!" Stiles waved his hands around dramatically at the freshman, who stayed unmoving by Scott's kitchen table. "You're not coming with us."

Liam rolled his eyes, "why not?"

"It's the full moon! And, I don't feel like driving all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out!"

"You can lock me up, like chain me down to the backseat or something!" He pleaded desperately, looking to Malia for help. There was no way he wasn't going, not a chance. Not when Wren's life was on the line.

"You tore through the last chains, remember?" Malia raised her eyebrows, as Liam waved off the memory.

"Yeah, we'd have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there," Stiles deadpanned, but Liam wasn't budging.

"Okay!" Liam answered, "where do we get carbonite?"

Both Malia and Liam looked suggestively towards Stiles, both not understanding another Star Wars reference by him. Stiles shook his head, ashamed with his two friends. "Seriously, you haven't seen it either?" He muttered a few incoherent words after that, before turning towards the door with Malia following suit.

"Wait!" Liam yelled, running to block them from the door. He refused to lose this. Stiles sighed, frustrated at the wasted time. "What if you put me in the trunk?"

"You'd get out of that too," Malia countered, but sent Liam a sympathetic look. She may not be the best with emotions, but even a girl who lived most her life in the form a coyote could feel that he was more than worried for Wren. They all were. Scott, Kira and Wren were all family to each and every one of the pack, and they were going to make sure they all got out alive of this one too.

"Liam, you've been a werewolf all of five minutes; you don't have to do this," Stiles said, pity filling in his eyes at how the boy's life, just like all them had been thrown upside down.

"Yes, I do, Stiles. Something's happened to Scott and Kira, and I'm going to do all I can to save them. But Wren, Stiles. There's no way in hell I'm letting her go without a fight. I'm not losing her too," Liam paused for breath, looking at Stiles who had his mouth ajar slightly and his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Stiles, I-I think I love her."

When Malia and Stiles glanced at each other, sending a silent message he couldn't understand, he knew he'd one them over. "Now, there has to be bigger chains, a bigger truck or something. There has to be!"

"Maybe there is," Stiles answered, realising an ingenious plan. He smirked at Malia and Liam.

Liam was never the mushy-feelings type of guy. Never once had he had a relationship that lasted more than a week, but something with Wren was different. It scared him, it scared him a lot. But he didn't lie, and he's going to do everything he can to save Wren Sommers.


Liam jumped out of Stiles' jeep, not failing to remember the first time he'd seen the inside of the beaten up car. It seemed so long ago now, when all his worries were solely focused on lacrosse. As much as he didn't want to, he remembered how beautiful Wren looked on that day, the day they met, so oblivious to the world around her.

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