2. The Wacko's Murdering Device

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02 // The Wacko's Murder Device.

W r e n

I was going crazy.

I thought it had all been my mind's crazy creations. Nightmares from my deluded brain, but this was more; so much more. They said it was apart of the sickness healing inside, that I was nothing more than traumatised from it, and one day, it will slowly fade until those dreams are nothing more than a memory.

It's been six years since they told me that lie, and if anything, my nightmares have gotten worse. The visions I've had to live through are growing, so much that you can't even label that as the after effects of going through what I did. They're not even closely related to when they started. Those can be labelled a nightmare; the classic bed-wetting dreams only children can get after watching some scary movie.

The night I saw Liam out on the hill, I'd woken up sweating from one of the worst ones yet. Every time, It's like an old fashioned movie, reeling in my mind, or a quick slide show that only shows snippets of the most important things. My snippets?

Well they involved what he called himself as a Wendigo, an unknown mute man with an electronic typer, and then there was Scott, the werewolf. I hadn't known the guy went to my school, and I certainly couldn't recognise him not in his wolf-state.

Until a few hours ago, of course.

My mind is supposed to just be messed up. I should not be seeing the things I dream about in real life. The doctors all joked yesterday about me visiting more often, when maybe I actually should be getting checked again.

Right now, to say I'm scared out of my mind would be an understatement, a big one. And not just because I'm walking home in the dead of the night, the really cold night. Seeing as my bike's at school, and that Stiles guy drove us to the hospital, I was left without a ride.

I don't know where Liam is right now, but I hope he's safe with Scott. I can tell the poor guy only wanted to help him, even if it meant biting his arm like some crazy man. I don't even know how I know what Scott is, I've been trying to push anything supernatural to the back of my mind for the time being, since I'm walking down a creepy road alone and all.

But pushing that back meant focusing on the guilt; when Liam asked me that question, I freaked and ran. I didn't want the one person who actually wanted to talk to me know about the things I see, and if they've seen me back, so I had gotten up, backed away from my injured friend, and well, ran.

I feel bad, I do, but I think he was better off with Scott anyway, at least I hope. As I neared the turn that would lead to my home, I had focused my mind on one certain thing. Before he was brutally murdered, of course, what did the Wendigo call me?

Because it sounded a heck of a lot like Witch.


"Wren, I've got to duck down to the office real quick, I'll see you in a bit," my dad popped his head in through the crack of my door, and even from here a I could see the tired bags under his eyes. My dad was a lawyer, and he was always working. I know that mum leaving was hard on him, but we both know that he's too stressed and tired for his own good. That, and we both know I won't see him until the morning.

As soon as he left I heard the door knock, and I immediately assumed he'd forgotten something. So I walked down the hall from my bedroom to the front door, calling out, "Dad, if you've forgotten your keys, I think it's a sign that you're too tired!"

But then I opened the door, and saw that it in fact was not my dad. Instead it was the last person I'd expected, because there stood Liam, looking annoyingly attractive in the moonlight. Despite the fact that he was out of breath and sweating, with a bandage where Scott had bitten him. "Can I come in?"

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