17. we were all in Mexico

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17. we were all in Mexico

"This way," Peter directed to Malia, Stiles and Liam. Darkness surrounded them, as nothing but bone crushing footsteps and the eery silence of the night filled their ears. Liam wasn't going to deny that it pissed him off, receiving orders from Peter like that. Stiles noticed it, of course, and nodded at Liam when he noticed the boy wasn't following.

Thinking of Wren, Liam put his petty thoughts to the side, jogging after them as they turned a corner. Time was short, and all three teenagers (plus Peter, who Liam refuses to call an adult), were sprinting through the winding tunnels as fast as they could, with no sense of direction whatsoever.

"Okay, stop, stop!" Peter yelled, turning as Stiles crashed into him, glaring at the man. "We need to figure out where we are, and then we figure out how to save Scott and Kira."

Liam's head snapped up in an instant, his eyes staring daggers into Peter. "What about Wren?" He seethed.

Peter shrugged. "If she's here for what I think Kate needs her to do, then it'll be us that needs saving, not her."

Liam didn't reply. He couldn't. What the hell was that supposed to mean? He hated Peter and his stupid cryptic messages, but he couldn't ignore them. Liam's worry for Wren was intensifying by the minute, and time seemed to be running out by the second. His dark thought were cut off by the out of place sound of Stiles' phone ringing.

Stiles quickly answered, looking at the others cluelessly before running to a corner. "Hi, dad."

"I, uh, I know you're angry but--,"

"Oh, I'm beyond angry," Stiles winced at the sharp tone of his father. "I have reached a level of fury that you could not possibly comprehend."

"Okay, well, when I get back you can ground me?" Stiles suggested dumbly.

"Ground you? I am going to hobble you!" The Sheriff paused for a brief moment. "Just -- just please tell me you're alright, that you're safe."

Stiles sighed. "You want me to lie?"

"Oh, God," Stiles heard the sadness in his father's voice, making the silent vow that he would make it back alive to see him again. He'd already lost his wife, and Stiles was going to make sure he didn't lose son, too.


Liam knew this was coming.

It was time to face up to his nightmares; confront the beasts he'd tried so hard to avoid. Hit after hit, Liam unleashed all the power he could onto the Beserker. But it wasn't enough, even with the power of Peter and strength of Malia, they were too weak.

Together, they punched and kicked until it was on the ground. Peter thought quick, throwing the dagger in his hand at Malia, who caught it with ease.

"Aim for the skull!"

Liam and Peter ran at the Beserker in sync, forcing him against the wall with a loud crash. Finally, they'd end him. All that was left was for Malia to finish it once and for all, with the dagger in her hand.

"Wait!" Stiles screamed, running into room with Kira by his side, just before the dagger left Malia's fingers. "Malia, stop!"

But Malia had already aimed, and the dagger had already started it's journey, right into the Beserker's skull. Kira didn't think, she just whipped her sword out and pierced it right through dagger. It hit the floor with a loud thud.

"It's Scott," Stiles said, and Liam had to see it to believe it. Turning his head slowly, he found himself staring straight into the eye of the Beserker, only to be met with all too familiar chocolate brown ones. Scott's eyes. Liam's eyes widened and his grip slackened.

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