"Anymore questions?"  Blue asked.  "Um yeah, what's up with that tattoo on your arm." Hunk said pointing to an alien version of a wolf snarling while breaking an axe.  "Oh, well I am from the Airian tribe of Fezair.  Airia is broken up to tribes that chooses a primary animal to represent the people."  Blue said rubbing her tattoo and sighing.  "Wait, wait.  There are different tribes on your planet?"  Pidge said looking up from her journal.  "Well we have the four primary tribes.  Of course there's mine, the Fezair tribe, choosing the Fezarian wolf.  They are mostly found on our tribe territories so we chose that kind of wolf to be our Clan signia.  Another primary tribe is the Udar which their Clan signia is the Juggar bird.  The Udar clan is the clan that usually starts wars over stupid stuff.  Like feeding grounds or over our tribal games.  Anyways, moving on, the next clan is the Candath tribe.  Their Clan signia is Ik'ia Ape.  This tribe's animal is actually not found on Airia.  It's found on a farther vector.  One of their warriors were scouting this planet to see if they could use the planet's resources and killed one of the Apes.  The warrior wore it as a cape when they came back home and honored the Ape as their Clan signia.  The last primary tribe is the Scroxi tribe, which their Clan signia is the Cril horse.  This clan watches over the other primary clans, and if you say the so called leader for the Airian people.  Each tribe has a function providing to each other in the Airian planet, and we live harmoniously.  We do have straggler tribes, but these tribes are usually frowned upon since they oppose everything Airia stands for.  There are unofficial tribes pushing to be recognized, but the last time I was in Airia, the Tribal council denied this tribes passage to become official."  Blue said sitting down and reaching for her memories.  "I can draw the signias if you want Pidge" Blue offered.  "YES PLEASE!!" Pidge said readying her camera.  Blue drew in the sand of what each signia looked like with the group watching.  

"Wait.  The Cril horse has horns.  And the Fezair wolf doesn't, even though you are from the Fezair tribe.  What does that mean?" Keith asked.  "My father came from the Scroxi tribe.  My mother on the Fezairian.  Each Airian has different features based on what tribe they are from.  Those who marry between tribes are usually done through arranged marriage in order to keep the Tribes in peace with each other.  These arranged marriages only happen only once every 50 decidays.  I believe that is every century for your human calendar.  My parents just happened to be married on the century."  Blue shrugged.  "Hey... It's getting late.  Let's move the Lions down here and we can ask more question okay?"  Allura said looking up at the sky.  "Oh.  Sure."  Blue said kicking away the Clan signia's and walking to Luna.  "I'll be here...  waiting."  Blue walked to Luna and checked her control system.  The Voltron crew turned on their packs and started flying to the chasm opening.  "Guys, I don't really like the vibes she puts out." Lance huffed.  "Lance!  How insensitive can you be??  Blue is just answering the questions.  So her answers have a somewhat extent of melancholy to it.  Doesn't every story?"  Shiro said heading to his ship.  "Ok so Shiro will go down first, then Hunk, Allura, Lance, Pidge then me.  Okay?"  Keith said.  Everybody shook their heads and packed the little campsite in the middle to Hunk's lion storage unit.  The gang the followed the order Keith had given them and then set up the camp again down in the chasm.  "Soooo.  Continuing on from our conversation, there are really mixed parents in each tribe?" Shiro asked Blue.  "Well yeah.  Each tribe on the arranged marriage chooses one tribe to have the arranged marriage with.  When that Airian is born, they learn to shift to their dominant Clan's animal.  For me, I learned the Fezair wolf first.  I then learned the Cril horse.  See my features?  I have both clan features.  The wolf ear and tail and claws are obvious.  The horns and these two breathing holes I have on my neck are from my father's traits.  The Scroxi tribe has a, what is it called.., centaur appearance with of course an alien twist.  Instead of four legs, they have six.  The have two breathing holes on their neck, and amazingly they have really strong skin on their shoulders and hind legs to prevent warriors or dangerous animals hitting those weak points.  They also have an amazingly long tail which they can use since it has a long, and curved spike at the end.  The Udarians have, I believe, several wings, talons as feet, other alien like features and if they wish, beaks.  It's a bit fuzzy how Udarians look in my mind since my tribe barely interacted with them.  We only interacted in trade markets, arranged marriages, and sometimes hunts.  I do remember what the Candatharians look like.  They were bit more stocky.  A little like our build, but from a distance you can tell the difference.  We are a little taller than the Candatharians, and which they are a bit stocky and shorter than us.  They do have fur all over them like the Ik'ia Ape... They have more fur on their forearms than out of all the tribes here.  When I was little, I was out on a hunting party with some of our warriors for food.  I accidentally got separated from my party and wandered into the Candatharian territory.  They were sore that I entered the territory, but were understanding that I was still somewhat of a pup and quote unquote "didn't want to start a war over a pup".  I had to wait on the outskirts of the territory with a couple of Candatharians so my party could track me down.  One of the people taking care of me was a full fledged Candatharian.  His name was Vice.  Most of the Candatharians walked on all of their appendages, but some walked on their two feet.  Full fledged Candatharians walked on all of their appendages.  They have one great big eye and their jaws have an underbite.  They have these really sharp spines on their back which they can control and tuck when they carry their young on their back.  What's amazing is that they have great strength in their hands and feet and are able to climb so high.  This is where they hold their village.  In the trees.  Anyways, my hunting party eventually found me and then they apologized to the Candatharian chief and went back to Fezairian grounds to scold me.  I had to do gathering work for a week."  Blue groaned at the end of the story.  "Wow...  This Airia place sounds amazing."  Lance said looking up at the sky and wondering how such a race could have so many differences and yet live in harmony. 

"So... when you shift, where do your clothes go?"  Hunk asks.  Pidge looks at him and smacks him in the head for asking that question.  "Well I wondered about this too, and what parents tell their children is that we have an unconscious compartment that stores our clothes while we shift.  That's what I like to think, but whenever I shift back, I always find a little tear from my shifting.  So that's why Airian clothes are made from Ravager metal.  We sew it into our clothes and we see that the tears are no more" Blue said holding up some of her old clothes.  "So Blue... Who gifted you the White Wolf?"  Shiro asked.  "Glad you asked."  

A/N:  Hello again!  I hope this chapter is lengthy enough for you all!  This chapter is basically a filler on Blue if you haven't noticed already.  Later in the book, I will provide drawings on the Clans Signia's, Creatures, and how the people of Airia look like.  Hope you enjoy them when I do post it!    

The Metallic White Wolf (Voltron x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz