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 "Hey, I'm all good for this peace offering as long as it can last us for three more weeks." Hunk said setting his bowl down. "Ok then. We'll do this in the morning." Shiro said walking to the Black Lion with Keith. "I'll see you all in the morning" Keith smiled. "Yeah yeah loverboys," Pidge said yawning to her Green Lion. "Hey Allura, you wanna.." Lance asked running up to the Blue Lion with Allura interrupting him and saying "No." with Blue Lion slamming its doors. "Ok then." Lance chuckled hopelessly.  

Meanwhile down in the chasm where the Airian had rested, their stomach had rumbled. "Eat" the voice whispered in its head. "Need... food" the voice cried out. "But... hoomanz," the voice said to the hungry, tired, and defensive Airian in Dragon Form. The Airian grumbled as it opened its eyes. The airian shifted into a lion, panting the desert air. The Airian scoured and searched the chasm floor for food. It soon met faces with the White Wolf. It first jumped back and changed into a dragon and spew fire at it, but the White Wolf had activated and shielded its self from the fire. "You've changed Master" The White Wolf had replied. "Who.. what are you?" The Airian growled, soon shifting into a wolf. "I am Luna, the White Wolf to which you are my master. Have you forgotten your heritage?" Luna said laying down like the Sphinx.  Next Luna opened her mouth and soon projection of memories had been projected on the cave wall. The Airian had to seem to see her human form. She played around with her memories, digging until she found more and more memories. Finally, she took her human form in her mind and transformed. "Luna... I think I remember some stuff" She stammered as her human form had got used to the legs and wobbly walk towards Luna. She put her hand on the cold steel of Luna's nose and Luna's eyes light up the same time as the Airians. Soon the Airian took the path back to her "tomb" and equipped clothes, armor, and weapons. She soon packed the other items in Luna. "I suggest you get some rest. Maybe explore your area." Luna said before shutting down. The Airian sighed until she shifted into a meerkat and dug a hole into the ground to rest.  

There were a few tosses and turns here and there until the Airian woke up to a starry night looking into the chasm.  Blue sighed and looked around if anyone was down in the chasm with her.  There was nobody not counting Luna and herself.  She soon shifted into a griffin and flew fast into the sky.  She flew up into the clouds flying next to the stars.  The Airian smiled.  She flew in the clouds feeling the chill around her and having fun.  She saw a small oasis and smiled.  She flew down and played in the water for a bit.  Luna's voice soon appeared in Blue's head.  "Blue, I suggest you come back here in an hour.  It seems one of the Paladins is having a nightmare and will wake everyone up" Luna said through Blue's and Luna's connected telepathy.  "Yeah, yeah Luna.  I'll come back soon, don't worry." Blue said taking off to the air, seemingly trying to get closer to the stars.  Blue shifted into a dragon, and flew up into the air, and staid in the air staring at the stars.  "I wonder how Aira is doing" Blue thought floating in the air, searching the stars as if she knew which planet and where Aira shine.  "I guess I should go back," Blue said flying back to the chasm to Luna, flying over the Paladin's and the Lions, where a certain Paladin was tossing and turning. 

"Keith." a voice whispered.  "Keith" the voice whispered again echoing around.  Keith was on a dark floor with nothing to protect him or could be used as a light source.  "Who's there?!?" Keith yelled.  "Hello Keith" the voice bounced around Keith again.  "How come you've forgotten me?" the voice asked again, seemingly hurt.  "I don't even know who the fuck or what the fuck you are," Keith said with his eyes searching the black sea around him.  Soon Shiro appeared a few steps ahead of him.  "Oh, Shiro...  It's just you." Keith gave a sigh of relief.  "Is it the Shiro you know?" the voice asked, and giggled.  "That's Shiro.  I just know it." Keith said walking to him.  "Keith!" Shiro yelled waving Keith over.  "I'm coming, Shiro!" Keith said now running to Shiro.  "Oh, you won't make it Keith" the voice whispered and giggled.  Keith ignored it and kept running to Shiro, who seemingly was farther each time Keith got closer to him.  Soon Keith tripped on nothing, looking up to see Shiro's face.  "Hey, help me up would you?" Keith chuckled.  But something was wrong.  Everything seemed to be silent, that is until the voice rang again.  "You're too late! You're too late!  You're too late!" the voice sang, becoming louder and louder each time until it pounded Keith's ears.  Keith looked around facing Shiro.  "Hey.  Do you hear that?  What's up with it?" Keith asked wincing in pain as the voice still continued.  Shiro still looked past Keith, giving him a weird vibe.  "Shiro..?  You ok?" Keith put his hand on his shoulder when all of a sudden, Shiro fell forward.  "Shiro!" Keith yelled, crouching down Shiro's body when Keith noticed Shiro was suddenly bleeding.  There was a growl, where a Chimera stood before him and chuckled, saying the sickening voice that started it, "YOU'RE TOO LATE!  YOU'RE TOO LATE!  YOU'RE TOO LATE!" the Chimera sang and sang and flew up into the sky.  "YOU'RE DEAD!" Keith screamed when he suddenly had his Bayard in his hand.  Keith ran to the Chimera, trying to strike down the Chimera with his sword.  But each time he got close to the Chimera, a Paladin appeared, slashed by Keith.  First, it was Lance, Allura, Hunk, then Pidge.  All of them talked to Keith in synchronized speech.  "Keith... why'd you do it..?  Why'd you betray Voltron." Soon Shiro joined them.  "Why, why, why, why" everybody screamed at Keith until he himself started screaming, crouching in the fetal position crying.  Soon, Keith was slammed into a cryo pod, seeing himself cutting down his teammates.  "What the, LET ME OUT!" Keith screamed banging in the pod.  Keith continued to cry, as he saw himself cut down Shiro, smirking and laughing insanely while the other Paladins fired at them screaming "Why".  The fake Keith smiled and cut them down too, with Keith laughing insanely screaming how everyone left him alone.  "No!!  That's not me!  Lance!  Hunk!  Pidge!  Allura! Shiro!" Keith screamed inside the pod when everything was set ablaze.  Keith kept screaming to get him out of there until it stopped.  Keith felt the ground shaking when he saw a Dragon looking down at him, smiling and saying "Congrats Keith.  You are now a proud soldier of the Ekeon species" The dragon rumbled, setting the sky on fire, stepping with steps that shook the floor like tiny earthquakes.  

Soon, Keith woke up to Shiro splashing him with water.  "Dude, what the hell!" Keith screamed gasping.  "You were screaming in your sleep.  You kept tossing and turning.  I tried shaking you to get you to wake up, but you kept screaming, so I grabbed some of my water and splashed you awake.  Are you ok?" Shiro panicked.  "Where are the others.  I need to see them," Keith said running out.  "Lance?  Hunk, Pidge?  Keith yelled running to the lions to see they were waking up slowly.  "Keith...?  What is it? It's got to be like 4 in the morning" Lance complained.  "Are you alright?" Hunk asked yawning and stepping out of his Lion.  "Come on Keith, spit it out,  I gotta sleep," Pidge said.  Allura yawned and walked out of her Lion and sat in the sand waiting for an explanation.  "I uh... had a -, you know what it's nothing, come on, I don't know what all this fuss is all about, let's just go back to sleep," Keith said once he saw that the others were ok.  Shiro noticed his panic and told everyone to go back to sleep.  "Come on.  Spit it out, you had a nightmare didn't you?" Shiro said as both of them walked to the black lion.  "It's nothing really.  Just dreamt there was a zombie apocalypse and we didn't have our lions." Keith said waving Shiro off.  

"Keith, I know you.  Tell me what it really was about." Shiro said sighing and sitting next to Keith. "Alright fine.  My dream was a hell of a kind.  I dreamt that some kind of manticore killed you.  And then I killed everyone, but then I was forced into this pod watching everyone in the team get slaughtered.." Keith started to shake.  "Is that all?  It must've been terrible." Shiro said hugging Keith.  "I couldn't do anything, Shiro!  I felt glued to the spot and seen everyone die before me." Keith said sobbing.  Keith then remembers the last part but decided not to tell Shiro as he never heard of an Ekeon species.  "Now let's get some sleep okay?  Good night Keith" Shiro said hugging Keith one last time before going to his side of the lion and in his sleeping bag.  "Good night Shiro," Keith said snuggling in his sleeping bag staring at the roof of the Black Lion.

The Metallic White Wolf (Voltron x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin