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"The war was brutal. Because Zarkon had also betrayed the Airians, he had also betrayed the Alteans. Zarkon had armies upon armies to which he thought it would out rule the Airians. The best of warriors had the mechas. One of which was my friend, Blue Wolfe. She piloted the White Wolf. She was the best warrior I knew," Allura turns while looking up at the standing deactivated wolf. "Some pilots say, that she gave her life and went into Zarkon's center of the command and demolished them. Others say that once the war was over, she was lost in space, never found by her fellow warriors and family." Allura sheds a tear. "My father was the only one that knew that actually happened to her. I don't know how her mecha ended up here though." Allura said standing and facing the Wolf. "Wait, so if the pilot's mecha is here... Then where's the pilot?" Pidge asks catching up with Allura. "I don't know" Allura confirms while looking at the head of the White Wolf.

"Well Hunk said this place looks like a tomb," Keith said walking towards the Wolf.  "Stop scaring me, Keith!!" Hunk said shaking while standing up, rubbing the sand off of him.  "Wait no, Keith has a point.  What if the pilot for the Wolf crash-landed here during the old Egyptian times and was buried in a tomb?" Lance said looking around.  "Look!  Hieroglyphs!" Pidge said running to the left side of the Wolf.  "Wow!  I haven't really studied Hieroglyphs, but I think I could decipher this." Pidge continued with running her hand over the wall.  "Well, this could take hours, so let's go set up some sleeping areas and dinner," Lance said going to the chasm and activating his rockets and headed up towards the night sky.  "I'll go help him."  Hunk said following Lance.  "Pidge you to be alone for a little while we go get supplies for the night?"  Shiro asks standing up.  "Yeah, the silence helps me think" Pidge chuckles.  "Alright, you got it chief," Shiro says walking away to with Pidge thinking.  

30 minutes later and everyone came back with food, sleeping bags, and tents.  Then, everyone had to move the Lions into the chasm, with luckily they fit like peas in a pod.  Soon Coran called the group.  "Guys, what's going on?  I thought you would be back by dinner time!" Coran pouted while holding the Green Goop from the castle's kitchen.  "Um, we were held up...  We found the White Wolf Coran!" Allura said excitedly.  "The White Wolf?!  I thought that was a myth with all the Airian mechas and what not!" Coran said in disbelief.  "Yeah!  Wanna see?" Lance said taking the transmitter and pointing it to the Wolf Mecha.  "HOLY QUIZNAK!!  I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD SEE THIS DAY!  OH PLEASE BRING IT WITH YOU!" Coran squealed as he feasted his eyes towards the mecha.  "We need to find the pilot first Coran." Keith deadpanned.  "Well, I thought Shiro would pilot the White Wolf, but I forgot that only Airians could pilot those types of mechas. Well, call me when you are able to come home and find the White Wolf!" Coran said waving his hand goodbye.  "Bye Coran!!" The group said.  "What if this Airian pilot is dead?" Shiro asks.  "Actually, because of the combined animal genetic genes, Airians can live for a really long time.  "Even for a thousand centuries?" Pidge said running towards the group from the Hieroglyphs.  "I figured out the message.  It says 'For those to find the Wolf, you must find the voice, for they will lead you into the void." Pidge said.  "What is with that kind of riddle?" Lance asked.  "Wait I get it, are we supposed to start hearing voices?"  Hunk asked.  Everyone looked at Hunk and started laughing.  "Sorry, I really get sarcastic when I am panicking." Hunk said blushing with embarrassment.  "Do you think we could try the microphone in the Wolf?" Shiro asked.  "No can do, we can't get inside the Wolf without the pilot access,"  Allura said with a sigh.  Keith was pacing with soon sitting down and meditating.  He soon started to hear whispers saying to follow them.  "Did anybody else hear that?" Keith asked the group.  "What do you mean, nobody said anything," Shiro said looking towards Keith in pure confusion.  "Wait, I think Keith figured it out.  It has to stay purely quiet in order to hear the voices." Pidge said sitting down.  "Ah...  Alright," Lance said agreeing and sitting down.  

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