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"Thanks to the Paladins of Voltron, we can say, Earth and the Galaxy are safe!!" Coran had shouted joyfully.  Shiro, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk, Allura, and Keith waved together while standing before their Lions in the sea of people who have partaken in the Coalition.  Soon the Lions had roared powerfully and echoed all across the land of Earth.  "Hey, why are they roaring?" Pidge asked while looking up at her Green Lion.  "Duh, they are rejoicing that the war is finally over," Lance said while whispering to her.  Pidge looked at the Lions with unease and then gave up and walked to the vast sea of humans and creatures to start the festivities that Lotor was defeated.  Little did the team know, they had awakened a new creature.  

"Aw come on Keith, one game of sword fighting wouldn't hurt," Shiro told Keith when the games had started, telling the tales of the team when they were away from home.  "Something doesn't feel right," Keith said looking over at Lance and Hunk playing with the little kids, and Pidge with her family eating. "It feels too at peace," Keith said slumping more into the cold wall that supported his grouchiness.  "Are you sure?  I feel like that Blade of Marmora had gotten into your head a bit.  Look, even the members of the Blade are having fun." Shiro pointed out as half the team started drinking at the bar, laughing their guts off.  "Goddamnit, Shiro!" Keith shouts in a hushed tone.  "Something feels real off.  I don't know, I just feel it in my bones" Keith says crossing his arms once again.  "Well alright.  Do you know why you feel this way?" Shiro said with his space dad's personality coming out.  "It could be a hunch, or I just forgot something," Keith said slightly embarrassed about the second part.  "Well, if you need me, I'll be watching the puppet show they've put on about our adventures with the little kids," Shiro said walking away waving to Keith.  "Alright, see you soon Shiro,"  Keith said watching Shiro walk away into the crowd.  "Hey, I saw your lonely.  Wanna join Pidge and I in the Pie contest?" Lance asked.  "I guess it doesn't hurt to watch now does it?"  Keith said smiling and following Lance.  

Somewhere in a far place, in the regions of Egypt, an earthquake had taken place.  Instead, this was the thing that the Lions had awoken.  The earthquake had soon gotten out of hand that Coran had tracked it on his scanner to see what was wrong.  "All paladins!  There is a catastrophic earthquake happing in... Ca..iro?  Ca-iro, Egypt!  Get your Lions and check it out!" Coran announced on the loudspeakers from the Castle.  All the Paladins got in their lions, while Shiro took a small jet to fly alongside the Paladins to Cairo Egypt.  "Mic check, Black Lion, can you hear me?" Keith asked.  "Keith, do we always have to go through mic check," Lance asked groaning.  "Quiet Lance, this mic check is important so we would know what problems would be needed to fix the Lions," Allura said rolling her eyes.  "We wouldn't even have the materials to fix this stuff!" Lance ranted into the microphone.  "Lance!  Mic check" Shiro shouted with annoyance.  "Fine... Mic check, Red lion, can you hear me?" Lance groaned while rolling his eyes.  "Mic check, Yellow Lion, can you hear me?" Hunk said after.  "Mic check, Blue Lion, can you hear me?" Allura said smiling.  "Mic check, Green Lion, can you hear me?" Pidge asked.  "I can confirm, I hear you all," Shiro said smiling while piloting the jet to keep up with Keith.  "Ok guys, I want everyone to be cautious.  If a fight breaks out, lead the attacker to the desert, we don't want to hurt the civilians in the area.  Understood?" Keith said giving orders.  "Yes!" said everyone.  

"Guys, we should check the epicenter of the earthquake to see if anybody needs help with transport!" Pidge said while flying down.  "Good idea Pidge, just be careful when landing." Keith agreed with Pidge.  Soon the rumbling had stopped when the Paladins and Shiro had nearly landed on the sand.  "Guys..?  Did anybody else see that?" Hunk asked with a hint of scared in his voice.  "Yeah.  Gang, stay alert." Shiro said cocking his gun just in case.  Everyone had landed safely forming a circle around what used to be the epicenter of the earthquake that just happened.  Soon everyone got out of their Lions and Shiro out of his jet, when all of a sudden the Black Lion started to use its laser beam on the center of the circle.  Soon all of the other lions had used its laser beam joining the Black Lion.  "Everyone, hang on to your lion!" Shiro shouted while holding on with Keith to the Black Lions leg.  The sand crumbled into a chasm, and after about 5 minutes, the Lions had stopped.  Pidge slowly walked to the edge and shouted at the group, "Everyone, look!  Something shiny is down there!" Pidge said, setting up her rocket boosters to fly her down there.  "Pidge, wait for for.," Hunk stammered but was too late, as Pidge already jumped down the chasm and yelled with joy as her echoes and reached the group.  "Well, ladies first!" as Allura jumped down into the chasm after Pidge.  The guys stared at each other then Shiro broke the silence saying "Oh you guys, come on!" Shiro yelled as he jumped into the black chasm.  Keith soon followed after.  "I bet I can beat you, Keith, to the bottom!" Lance yelled running after Keith.  "Guys!  Don't leave me up here!" Hunk said and walked and jumped toward the chasm.  At the bottom, Pidge and Allura had already set up lights for everyone to see.  Soon all the boys went 'whooping' down and landed in front of the girls.  

"Guys, why does it look like we're in a tomb?" Hunk asked walking next to Pidge.  "We have to check out what made this earthquake begin and stop Hunk," Allura said walking ahead of them.  "Careful guys, there could be booby traps," Shiro said walking beside Allura.  "Teehee, booby traps" Lance and Hunk snickered.  Keith turned around and looked at them with pure disappointment.  "Are you two 5 right now?" Keith said with a disappointed dad face.  "Why sure" Hunk laughed.  "Guys, you might want to take a look at this" Pidge said halting two a glowing wall.  "Whoaaaa." Lance and Hunk gasp in awe.  "Allura?  Do you know what this is?" Shiro asks her while Allura walks towards the wall and touches it.  She gasps.  "What is this cold shivery feeling?" Allura inspects her hand and the wall.  "That's weird.  How could ice be preserved under the desert heat?" Pidge asked talking to herself yet again.  "Um guys, take a look of this" Shiro points to the big cracks in the ice and chunks that fell off to the side.  "This incredible!  There's another mecha that needs to be piloted!  Shiro, you could be piloting this one!" Pidge said.  "I wonder if we can free it from the ice.." She said surveying if there were any tools of use.  "I can't help but feel like... I know this mecha.. and the pilot" Allura said walking in a haze to a seemingly frozen pad where she randomly inputted numbers and soon the ice slowly melted into little rivers.  "Allura?  How'd you do that?" Keith said getting ready in a fighting stance.  Allura seemed to snap out of her haze.  "I think this is the White Wolf," Allura said while walking against the little streams that ran against the sand.  "What's the White Wolf" Pidge asked.  "The White Wolf is a mecha that my father made while we were still conquering galaxies with Zarkon.  There was this one planet, Airia, to which we had a strong alliance.  The people that lived on Airia had special powers, to which they could shapeshift into any animal they wanted.  My father made thousands of these types of mechas, as only the people of Airia could pilot them because my father had made them before the Lions, it was a bit unstable for normal people.  If normal people who did not have Airia blood in them pilot these types of mechas, their brains would implode unto insanity due to all the strain to memorize each animal the Airians knew.  Each model could transform into what the Airians wanted their mecha to look like, but this was one of the oldest models my father ever made." Allura explained.  "So, what's with the big deal of the White Wolf?" Keith asked.  "The White Wolf was rumored to be multiple galaxies defenders.  But was lost due to war broke between the Galra and Airians.  See, the Galra was trying to recruit the Airians so the Galra had unbelievable power, and the White Wolf wouldn't let its people fall into Galra hands."  Everyone soon felt like this would be a long story told by Allura, so everyone sat down into the mushy sand, with Allura's back facing the White Wolf.  

"The war was brutal.  Because Zarkon had also betrayed the Airians, he had also betrayed the Alteans.  Zarkon had armies upon armies to which he thought it would out rule the Airians.  The best of warriors had the mechas.  One of which was my friend, Blue Wolfsbane.  She piloted the White Wolf.  She was the best warrior I knew," Allura turns while looking up at the standing deactivated wolf.  "Some pilots say, that she gave her life and went into Zarkon's center of the command and demolished them.  Others say that once the war was over, she was lost in space, never found by her fellow warriors and family."  Allura sheds a tear.  "My father was the only one that knew that actually happened to her.  I don't know how her mecha ended up here though."  Allura said standing and facing the Wolf.  "Wait, so if the pilot's mecha is here... Then where's the pilot?" Pidge asks catching up with Allura.  "I don't know" Allura confirms while looking at the head of the White Wolf.  

Author's Note: Hello, hello, hello!  This is the first chapter to which I will start the new story arc for this book!  Some of the previous chapters will be deleted, and some will be moved after this arc because I have some parts that are relevant to the story.  Since quarantine has kept me in the house, updates shall now happen!  I am really sorry for being a little MIA for the past months, I'm taking AP classes and Honor classes for Sophmore year and yeah...  Anyways, I hope you'll stick with me during this book!  Please stay safe during the COVID epidemic and don't forget to wash your hands!  Thank you for reading "The Metallic White Wolf" 

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