Twenty - Five

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Perfectly Wrong | S.M
Chapter: Twenty Five

I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom, i just woke up and i don't feel ready to walk outside of my room. I can hear Mat getting ready for his nine am class,  i don't have class until late today. I didn't want to get up and get myself a drink even thought my mouth was dry, i didn't want to be around Mat after last night. 

I saw a side of him i hated, i hated the way he spoke to me it felt like he was talking down to me. We've become so close this past month, he would have girls here and i wouldn't say a thing, i would even have breakfast with them most of the time. I loved our friendship, maybe that was all a show and the side i saw last night is who he really is.

I suck it up and get out of bed, i walk out of my room and towards the kitchen. I suck myself in squeezing past Mat and i grab a bottle of water, i walk towards my room.

"Are you still mad?" Mat smirks at me, i look at him, i don't smirk back it's not funny. "Take that as a yes"

"Do you actually think what you did yesterday was funny?" I question and he rolls his eyes at me. "You completely embarrassed me in front of everyone and you may have just ruined my only shot with Shawn"

"You're being dramatic Layla" He tells me while rolling his eyes at me, he grabs his bag and walks towards the door. "We'll talk about this later" He groans.

"I'm good, thanks" I say while leaving and going into my room.

I heard the door slap shut and i roll my eyes, i got back into bed and took a sip of my water, i take my phone off charge and looked at my notifications.

Bby, i miss you! Text meee

Sorry, i was sleeping i went to a party last night.

How was it?

Also with out me?🥺

Shitty☹️ I miss Shawn and I'm sorry, last minute type thing. 

I'm sure Shawn is missing you too, call him.

What if he doesn't🥺.

Call him🙄.

She was right, calling him couldn't hurt, i need to explain myself to him. I hate that Shawn might be thinking I'm with someone else, it's always been Shawn and it always will be.

I rang his number and it almost went to voicemail before he picked up.

"Hello?" A girls voice came through the phone, i sat there in shock, my stomach dropped to my stomach.

"Who is this?" I spoke breaking the silence.

"Anna, Shawn's friend" She replies, the girl from the photos yesterday. There was an uncomfortable silence, i didn't know what to say. "Oh, here is Shawn" She giggles and i hear the phone get passed along.

"Shawn?" I ask clearing my throat.

"Hi Lay, I'm actually really busy" He tells me, i shake my head knowing I'm not going to let him end the call like this.

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